All Boards => Moved Hot Topics => Topic started by: Jim on 02 12, 11, 07:32:38:PM

Title: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: Jim on 02 12, 11, 07:32:38:PM
Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address

The REAL next JFK.

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 02 12, 11, 07:34:16:PM
what a punk.  he says he is against bi-lingualism in any way, shape or form.  and yet, he did a campaign ad in all spanish without any captions, any english used at all.  what a goddamn punk ass hypocrite. 

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: hoosier_daddy on 02 12, 11, 07:37:32:PM
more like the next obama...he is using a teleprompter!!!  what hypocrites right wingers are....obama teleprompter, bad.  dumbfuck little pissant teleprompter, good, next JFK.  what bullshit.  this little clown couldn't raise a pimple on JFK's ass....

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: slickclick on 02 12, 11, 07:45:20:PM
Marco Rubio is in the same category as Mitt Romney. They're both phonies.

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: mayzin1 on 02 12, 11, 07:56:49:PM
So again the $10 trillion question, "who is going to be the one with the strength, courage, tenacity, knowledge to fix this country?

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: Byteryder on 02 12, 11, 08:09:08:PM
Slick and Ho dont care who it is as long as its not a Republican.

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: Byteryder on 02 12, 11, 08:10:05:PM
If the Young Guns, Rubio is the the top few.

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: wehunglow on 02 12, 11, 08:29:35:PM
Another x-gen politician feeding the masses bullshit in hopes of climbing the policical ladder. Thought most of the folks on this board had been around the block enough times.

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: Byteryder on 02 12, 11, 09:44:18:PM
Why else do you think the ranks of Liberals and Democrats are shrinking as they are.

Title: Re: Marco Rubio CPAC 2011 Address - The REAL next JFK.
Post by: Truman62 on 02 13, 11, 01:19:12:AM
Repocons cannot be the next JFK. 
JFK had courage, Repocons don;t have courage.
JFK had compassion, Repocons don;t have compassion.
JFK had a love of this country, Repocons have a love for power.
JFK had broad-based appeal, Repocons have appeal only for themselves.