All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 10 20, 24, 09:33:40:PM

Title: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: Jim on 10 20, 24, 09:33:40:PM

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: D2D on 10 20, 24, 09:39:48:PM
The legacy media has been caught in too many lies to have credibility!

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: Dan on 10 20, 24, 09:46:46:PM
I’m looking forward to Trump rounding up everyone who doesn’t support Trump.  At least that’s the ridiculous accusation Harris is making. (

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: D2D on 10 20, 24, 09:51:23:PM
Won't they all have left the country?

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 20, 24, 09:54:55:PM
When they lose, it surely won't be for lack of putting every slimy tactic possible to full use.  There won't be anything left for them to try the next time.  All the holes have been exposed.

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: sine-qua-non on 10 21, 24, 10:48:40:AM
It will be like when Trump won in 2916.  De Ja Vu all over again.

The never Trumpers will go nonstop 24/7 attacking everything Trump !

They aren’t smart enough to stop doing what doesn’t and hasn’t worked !

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: gwboolean on 10 21, 24, 12:08:43:PM
We all have long known what will happen if Putin's Pussy win's Commie Crow.  He has told us, as have you.  Which is why that in just 14 days and a wakeup the nightmare of Putin's Pussy and you M&M commies will come to a screeching halt!

So, tell us commie Crow.  Is insurrection deux already in the works?  America is standing back and standing by.  Better keep a weather eye out for the Deep State Commie Crow.  They be coming for you.  Just sayin... DAM2N (

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: Jim on 10 21, 24, 12:55:46:PM
We all have long known what will happen if Putin's Pussy win's Commie Crow.
And what exactly do you know? 
Do you think Trump will suddenly become a Democrat and go after his political rivals?   hahahahaha
"You can always tell what the Left has done - by what they attempt to accuse the Right of."

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: D2D on 10 21, 24, 03:02:23:PM
Democrats insist Americans having rights is bad!

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: D2D on 10 21, 24, 05:03:11:PM
Democrats insist you as their property have no rights!

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: gwboolean on 10 21, 24, 05:26:22:PM
Do you think Putin's Pussy will go after his rivals?

He said he would.  He did while he was president.  Are you saying he is a liar Commie Crow? 

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: D2D on 10 21, 24, 05:32:40:PM
Again my point is proven!

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 21, 24, 05:33:16:PM
If trump wins look for increased government spending and reduced government revenues.   Just like last time around.

Within a few years the stock markets will tank as government is forced to raise interest rates to double digits to control another round of trump inflation.

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: Dan on 10 22, 24, 12:55:55:AM
If Trump wins look for increased government spending

What do you think Kamala will do?

and reduced government revenues.

Wrong.  Revenues will increase.  I refer you to the Laffer Curve.

Just like last time around.

Right.  Just like last time around- revenues INCREASED.  (
Within a few years the stock markets will tank


as government is forced to raise interest rates to double digits to control another round of inflation.

But last time there wasn’t any inflation under Trump.  (

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 22, 24, 01:15:02:AM
I'm looking back over the past four years compared to Trump's four and it's a no-brainer.

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: D2D on 10 22, 24, 01:48:35:AM
When Trump wins look for severe decreases in regulation and spending!

Title: Re: Final Nail for Democrats if Trump Wins
Post by: Truman62 on 10 22, 24, 03:37:52:AM
I'm looking forward to the start of the Civil War and how America will fall into chaos.

It has to happen that way, because Donnie is the Master of Chaos.

Not sure America will survive, but voters will get what they voted for - Chaos and a Dictator.