All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: chuck_curtis on 10 16, 24, 11:33:44:PM

Title: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 16, 24, 11:33:44:PM
Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday told a Fox News-hosted town hall event that he would ban transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports through executive action.

The former president and GOP presidential candidate was asked by a voter about whether he plans to address transgender athletes in women’s athletics.

“It’s such an easy question, and everybody in the room ... know that answer, we’re not going to let it happen,” Trump responded.
Trump said that his administration will “stop it” because “it’s a man playing in the game.” He added, “Look at what’s happened in swimming. Look at the records that are being broken.”

Pressed by Faulker on what actions he might take, Trump said that “you just ban it. The president bans it. You just don’t let it happen ... not a big deal.”

Trump has said on multiple occasions during the 2024 campaign season that he would bar transgender individuals from competing against females if he is elected again.

I can't even believe this is a thing in America, that we are even talking about it.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop Women in Men's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 16, 24, 11:36:49:PM
And it is SUCH a problem, right?

I was watching Men's College Football and the women have TAKEN Over!

Such a disaster for the country!

Thank God for Donnie tRump, because Harris would just encourage more women to go into sports.

tRump would LOCK them Down.  Women ONLY in homes - kitchens and bedrooms.

No need for them to go outside, there is MORE than enough for them inside raising kids, cooking and cleaning.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 16, 24, 11:38:33:PM
It's like the defund the police movement.  I can't even believe it's a thing, either.  Like the Twilight Zone.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 16, 24, 11:48:08:PM
Do you have pictures?

If it's as BAD as you say, then you MUS have pictures.

You probably have hundreds saved, right?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 16, 24, 11:49:55:PM
It's probably for the Women's Salaries.

Women make so much MORE than men.


Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Final_Boss on 10 16, 24, 11:51:22:PM
It's probably for the Women's Salaries.

Women make so much MORE than men.


This is not what he’s saying.  I think you know that

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 16, 24, 11:54:02:PM

I want the photos... NOW!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Final_Boss on 10 16, 24, 11:55:06:PM

I want the photos... NOW!

Pictures of what exactly? 

Are you denying that men don’t participate in women high school and collegiate sports?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 17, 24, 02:20:43:AM
Men competing against women in College sports.

You CANNOT find them, so THIS is just another made-up piece of BS you MAGA Fanatics are worried about.

There's no problem here, but you sure want to make it one.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: lakitss on 10 17, 24, 08:08:39:AM
Tell that bullshit to the women who have been seriously fucked up in boxing matches or martial arts tournaments.

The clear advantage they have is the problem.

They do not belong there.

If this is so important create a tranny league where all the freaks can go.

This is another example of how liberals trash everything normal attempting to create a new nomal.

It's abnormal just like liberals are.

The facts are there for all to see, but as usual facts are kryptonite to liberals.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Final_Boss on 10 17, 24, 11:23:32:AM
Men competing against women in College sports.

You CANNOT find them, so THIS is just another made-up piece of BS you MAGA Fanatics are worried about.

There's no problem here, but you sure want to make it one.

Wait, are you serious?  How about I send you videos of this.  Will this change your mind?

Or are you going to stick with your original position and not waver at all?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 01:03:48:PM
Further proof Democrats hate women!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Dan on 10 17, 24, 01:11:00:PM
This is such any easy issue to support. Of course reasonable people don’t think it’s right for men to compete against women in women only sports leagues/divisions/categories.  That’s why a separate category for women was created.  It’s also why separate categories were created for weight class and age.  People in certain categories have inherent advantages over others.

Men have advantage over women
200 pound wrestlers have advantage over 150 pound wrestlers
25 year old tennis players have advantage over 50 year old tennis players

Why bother creating separate categories to accommodate disadvantaged groups if superior athletes in superior categories can infiltrate them?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 17, 24, 01:14:19:PM
Commies do the same thing in other areas, like putting DEI ahead of merit.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 01:17:38:PM
These concepts Democrats will never grasp!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Final_Boss on 10 17, 24, 01:50:26:PM
Truman ,if I provide proof will you amend your previous position?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 01:53:23:PM
Proof never has any positive effect on Truman!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 17, 24, 01:59:18:PM
Sure, let's see you so called proof.

I make no promises, because quite a bit of "proof" is speculation and opinion,
which as we have seen in the MAGA cases does NOT fly in a court of law.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 02:03:10:PM
You can lead a Democrat to the facts but you cannot get him to accept them!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 17, 24, 02:07:14:PM
No, THAT's you and your ignorant, MAGA buddies.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 02:12:06:PM

Keep telling yourself that long enough and you might believe it!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 17, 24, 02:17:18:PM
Why do you want the federal government getting involved in sports?    Why not just let the NCAA and other sports organizations get to decide this issues for themselves?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 17, 24, 02:26:44:PM
MAGA Knows best, so ALL should bow to MAGA!


Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 02:31:43:PM
Democrats insist the Democrat party must be obeyed at all times!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 17, 24, 02:39:37:PM
Isn't that what the MAGA goofs are doing with this issue doodly?   Don't you want the federal government to get involved in sports now?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Dan on 10 17, 24, 02:46:12:PM
Why do you want the federal government getting involved in sports?

That’s what Title 9 does.

Why not just let the NCAA and other sports organizations get to decide this issues for themselves?

Agreed.  Get rid of women’s sports altogether and just have ‘open’ categories.  No special leagues, divisions, age groups, or weight classes.  If women and child want to participate in sports, they’ll have to compete against men in their prime.  No more Little League.  Children will have to play against the New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 17, 24, 02:46:36:PM
Federal government involvement (title IX) is the way commies are allowing men in women's sports.   That is what commies want.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 17, 24, 02:50:53:PM
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities that receive federal funding

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 17, 24, 02:52:14:PM
Once tRump is President, then ONLY tRump Youth sports will be allowed, and ONLY for boys.

Girls will be sequestered and groomed to be baby-makers, house cleaners and cooks.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Dan on 10 17, 24, 02:53:20:PM
But requiring those colleges to provide “women’s only” categories, it requires them to discriminate against men.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 17, 24, 02:53:43:PM
So, the bottom line is commies long for federal government involvement and use it whenever possible.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Truman62 on 10 17, 24, 02:56:42:PM
So, bottom line, MAGA Fanatics long for the day they can empower white boys in sports and put women "in their place."

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 17, 24, 02:58:30:PM
Maybe the federal government should just not give any money to colleges.   Then the colleges could be as bigoted against women, blacks, hispanics, gays, etc. as they want to be. 

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: chuck_curtis on 10 17, 24, 03:02:08:PM
No one wants men is women's sports, but I'll let youse commies continue to make arses of yourself trying to justify it.  LOL

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Dan on 10 17, 24, 03:06:22:PM
Maybe the federal government should just not give any money to colleges.

Bingo! (

Then the colleges could be as bigoted against women, blacks, hispanics, gays, etc. as they want to be.

You left out whites and Asians.  Oh wait, they already ARE discriminated against.  But how does giving colleges money prevent them from being bigoted, Vit?  You never heard of the Civil Rights Act?  No bribery required.  Just enforce the existing anti-discrimination laws already on the books.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 03:29:18:PM
Democrats insist you must lower standards because black and brown people are too stupid and lazy!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Final_Boss on 10 17, 24, 05:44:12:PM
So, bottom line, MAGA Fanatics long for the day they can empower white boys in sports and put women "in their place."

What are you talking about? No one is debating this at all or arguing that position. You made a claim that men do not participate in women’s sports.  That is patently false
Here’s a link.  You can see “Lia Thomas” (

And here are two men who identify as women who crushed A series of track and field events. (

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 17, 24, 06:29:37:PM
why is this the federal government's business ?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 07:21:55:PM
Democrats made it so!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Dan on 10 17, 24, 08:19:29:PM
It shouldn’t be the government’s business.  But it’s also a cultural issue.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 17, 24, 08:33:59:PM
Democrats want to end all women's sports!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: Final_Boss on 10 17, 24, 09:55:32:PM
Well so much for that conversation

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 17, 24, 10:37:56:PM
so why is this push to regulate sports the federal government's business?   you still haven't said. 

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 17, 24, 10:41:11:PM
Why isn't this just left up to the governing bodies of the sports to decide?   The NCAA, the IOC, World Athletics, etc.

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 18, 24, 01:07:03:AM
If only it were!

Tell me what happens to women's sports if men claiming to be women take over those sports?

Women's sports cease to exist!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 18, 24, 07:14:48:PM
CCPWvit fled the thread!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 19, 24, 03:56:08:PM
No chicks with dicks!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 20, 24, 04:03:58:AM
Arguably, the highlight of the night (included in the video above) was Trump’s joke about the in-attendance Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. “Chuck Schumer is here looking very glum… but look on the bright side, Chuck, considering how woke your party has become, if Kamala loses, you still have a chance to become the first woman president,” Trump said as Schumer shook his head.

Will Schumer join the WNBA as a black woman?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 20, 24, 10:11:33:PM
Why doesn't Walz now identify as a gay black tranvestite?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: wvit1001 on 10 20, 24, 10:15:49:PM
Why isn't this just left up to the governing bodies of the sports to decide?   The NCAA, the IOC, World Athletics, etc.   Why do you think this is something for the federal government to get involved in?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 20, 24, 10:41:43:PM
So you want to ban women from women's sports?

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: zsq987 on 10 21, 24, 01:23:16:AM
If Men are playing in Women's Sports, then it isn't really "Women's Sports" is it!!!!!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 21, 24, 03:41:37:PM
Democrats insist genetics don't determine gender!

Title: Re: Trump swears to stop men in women's sports
Post by: D2D on 10 22, 24, 02:31:42:PM
Democrats insist women have no rights!