All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: D2D on 09 20, 24, 01:56:01:PM

Title: Been to India?
Post by: D2D on 09 20, 24, 01:56:01:PM ( (

India’s economic freedom score is 52.9, making its economy the 126th freest (out of 184) in the 2024 Index of Economic Freedom. Its rating is unchanged from last year, and India is ranked 26th out of 39 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The country’s economic freedom score is lower than the world and regional averages. India’s economy is considered “mostly unfree” according to the 2024 Index.

India’s overall progress with market-oriented reforms has been uneven. The foundations for long-term economic development remain fragile in the absence of an efficiently functioning legal framework. State-owned enterprises are an extensive presence in many sectors, and the legacy of decades of failed socialist policies includes a substantial tolerance for government meddling in economic activity. Entrepreneurs continue to face serious challenges. The regulatory framework is burdensome. The labor regulatory framework is still evolving, and the informal economy remains an important source of employment. Monetary stability has weakened.

El Salvador is freer!

Title: Re: Been to India?
Post by: D2D on 09 20, 24, 05:37:49:PM
Democrats want America to be worse than India!