All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 09 17, 24, 08:47:03:PM

Title: More LIES
Post by: Jim on 09 17, 24, 08:47:03:PM
Harris DID NOT listen to Tupak RAP in college because at that time Tupak was only 11 years old.

Harris WAS-NOT Bused to school because she was Black.  She was Bused to school because she lived in a neighborhood where ALL the kids rode the bus to the same school.

Harris is no different than LYING Joe Biden.   I wonder if she's related to POPCORN?

Title: Re: More LIES
Post by: Truman62 on 09 17, 24, 08:51:01:PM
As soon as you have a source/researched list of 30,000+ lies, we'll talk.

Title: Re: More LIES
Post by: D2D on 09 17, 24, 09:13:37:PM
Harris is all fake all the time!

Title: Re: More LIES
Post by: D2D on 09 18, 24, 02:40:47:PM
Democrats live to lie!

Title: Re: More LIES
Post by: D2D on 09 19, 24, 03:18:38:PM
Democrats believe their own lies!

Title: Re: More LIES
Post by: gwboolean on 09 19, 24, 03:28:24:PM
Seriously?  This is what you M&Ms are running with?  No ducking wonder Nyop Joy and you M&M duckwads are failing, correction flailing, so badly and losing!  Powerfulnnnzzzzzz (

Title: Re: More LIES
Post by: D2D on 09 19, 24, 04:01:59:PM
Democrats are the party of lies and bad ones at that!

Title: Re: More LIES
Post by: D2D on 09 20, 24, 12:07:41:PM
Harris is a mindless poseur!