All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: sine-qua-non on 09 12, 24, 06:58:21:PM

Title: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: sine-qua-non on 09 12, 24, 06:58:21:PM
Scamala realize she lost the debate with Trump, immediately requested another debate, like all losers do thinking a in rematch they will do better !

But, ……

President Trump Declares NO MORE DEBATES after Taking Kamala to Woodshed, It’s Over for Dems!
And …

‘Eating Cat Issue’ Will Blow Up in Dems’ Faces as More Learn About Haitian Voodoo, Says Former Democrat Candidate Marianne Williamson
Dems coming off as smug elitists for dismissing concerns of residents of Springfield, Ohio, says former 2020 and 2024 presidential candidate.

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 12, 24, 06:59:49:PM

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 12, 24, 07:00:23:PM

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: sine-qua-non on 09 12, 24, 07:01:02:PM
Poor commie silly zippy can’t face reality ! LOL !

Democrats could soon have egg on their faces after people get more information on Haitian voodoo practices, former Democrat Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson warned.

In a Thursday post on X addressing the recent controversy surrounding President Donald Trump’s comments at Tuesday’s debate that Haitians in Springfield are eating pets, Williamson said Democrats are ignoring and belittling the issue at their own peril.

“Continuing to dump on Trump because of the ‘eating cats’ issue will create blowback on Nov. 5,” wrote the Democrat presidential candidate who ran against Kamala Harris in 2020, staying in the race one month longer than the current vice president.

“Haitian voodoo is in fact real, and to dismiss the story out-of-hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield. Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo,” she added.

At Tuesday’s debate, Trump touched on disturbing accounts coming out of Ohio documenting Haitian migrants “eating pets.”

Will more Democrats acknowledge the issue impacting the town and admit they didn’t fully think through the consequences of inserting third-world migrants into Middle America?

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 12, 24, 07:39:43:PM
Democrats fear a fair debate!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 13, 24, 05:48:41:PM
Trump how has enough video to bury Harris!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 15, 24, 04:39:04:AM
Trump now has enough video to bury Harris!

Her own words will crucify her!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: Jw2 on 09 15, 24, 08:32:55:AM

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: gwboolean on 09 15, 24, 11:01:04:AM
M&Ms committing suicide after the debate.  DAM2N (

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 15, 24, 12:02:06:PM
As you can see, Democrats forsake and abjure reason!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: gwboolean on 09 15, 24, 12:16:27:PM
As you can see, Nyop Joy got his ass kicked by Kamala Mamala and is shitting his pants to stay as far away from her as he can.  Now Nyop Joy has his little M&M minion Scabby running interference for him.  MAGA! (

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: Dan on 09 15, 24, 12:17:44:PM
Why won’t Kama do a debate on Fox News?  Why won’t she do an interview on Fox News?

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: gwboolean on 09 15, 24, 12:25:53:PM
Why won't the Marxist Negress debate on Fox?

She offered to, but Nyop Joy said NO MORE DEBATES.  What part of that do you M&Ms not understand?  MAGA (

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 15, 24, 01:14:41:PM
Democrats have no interest in free and fair debates!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: Truman62 on 09 15, 24, 01:26:29:PM
MAGA Fanatics accept that Donnie will lose.


Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 15, 24, 02:03:44:PM
Again, my point is proven!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: gwboolean on 09 15, 24, 02:28:47:PM
Awwww.  The M&Ms and Nyop Joy are not completely stupid.  Nyop Joy damn sure is not going to put whatever is left of his ass on the line again.  And unless he debates again he has already lost. 

Them M&Ms and Nyop Joy are between a rock and a hard place.  They lose whichever way they go.  DAM2N (

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 15, 24, 02:31:20:PM
NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude (German ( for 'Strength Through Joy'; KdF) was a German NSDAP ( leisure ( organization in Nazi Germany ([1]

It was part of the German Labour Front ( (German: Deutsche Arbeitsfront), the national labour organization at that time.

Set up in November 1933 as a tool to promote the advantages of Nazism ( to the German people and internationally, it was also used to ease the process of the rearmament of Germany (

Through its structure of organized events and promotion of propaganda, it was also intended to prevent dissident and anti-state behavior. By 1939, it had become the world's largest tourism operator.[2] (
KdF was composed of several departments with their own specific goals, with each department organizing different leisure activities. It organized activities such as sporting events on factory floors, art exhibitions, discounted concerts and, most famously and popularly, subsidized holidays and cruise trips. One of its largest departments, although sometimes considered a separate organization altogether, was Beauty of Labour (, which concerned itself with physical and sanitary improvements of the workplace. KdF was responsible for the improvement of several factories and sports facilities throughout its operations in the 1930s.

KdF was supposed to bridge the class divide by making middle-class leisure activities available to the masses.[3]
It also sought to bolster the German tourist industry (, something it did successfully up until the outbreak of World War II ( Official statistics showed that in 1934, 2.3 million people took KdF holidays. By 1938, this figure rose to 10.3 million.[4]
With the outbreak of war in 1939, most of the organization's programs were suspended and several projects, such as the Prora ( holiday resort, were never completed. (

Democrats do nothing original!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 16, 24, 03:44:38:PM
Democrats aren't capable of originality!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 17, 24, 03:39:48:PM
Democrats love imposing the worst ideas of past dictatorships!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: Truman62 on 09 17, 24, 03:42:17:PM
Wow, the MAGA Faithful have been FULLY and completely brainwashed!

Zippy and DvD will defend Donnie to their last breath.

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 17, 24, 03:55:31:PM
Democrats love imposing the worst ideas of past dictatorships!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 17, 24, 03:56:32:PM
Is that why trump talks up Hitler and putin doodly?   

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 17, 24, 03:57:18:PM
Trump to Marine Gen. John Kelly: "Well, but Hitler did some good things. He rebuilt the economy." Kelly to Trump: "Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing." Trump: "But he had big crowds, just like mine."

A video posted to former President Trump's social media channel on Monday featured the phrase "a unified Reich," a term usually associated with Nazi Germany.

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 17, 24, 04:08:44:PM
Wow, more lies from the compulsive liar, CCPWvit!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 18, 24, 01:51:49:AM
Tell me CCPWvit, do you know any history at all?

Leftist rags like the New York Times and Time magazine worshiped Hitler!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 18, 24, 02:35:18:PM
Democrats have always loved dictatorships!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 19, 24, 03:24:37:PM
Even now Democrats worship Hitler, Mao, Xi, Putin, and Lil' Kim!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: gwboolean on 09 19, 24, 03:32:17:PM
Here is a fun fact for you commie.  In 46 days and a wake up, Nyop Joy and you Republican M&Ms just won't matter and we can and will do anything we want to with you.  Just like you M&Ms did to us, but you M&Ms and Nyop Joy have earned a lot of interest that will be paid.  DAM2N (

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 19, 24, 04:02:27:PM
Democrats corrupt everything they touch!

Title: Re: It’s OVER for DemoncRats !!!
Post by: D2D on 09 20, 24, 12:08:28:PM
All Kamala has ever done is lie!

She is a fraud through and through!