All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: gwboolean on 09 09, 24, 06:55:53:PM

Title: Thanks for deregulation.
Post by: gwboolean on 09 09, 24, 06:55:53:PM
We should all give thanks to the Republican Communists and their efforts to destroy regulations.  Since the elimination of regulations Americans can no longer safely eat meat, poultry, vegetables, or any type of food, including processed food.  Which leaves America in the position of have to grow their own organic food in order to have anything an American can eat and expect to survive the experience. DAMN (

Fuck you very much MAGA-Commies.  MAGA!!! (

Title: Re: Thanks for deregulation.
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 09 09, 24, 09:18:34:PM