All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Truman62 on 09 07, 24, 02:30:30:PM

Title: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: Truman62 on 09 07, 24, 02:30:30:PM

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: Truman62 on 09 07, 24, 02:49:39:PM
MAGA Fanatics are afraid to look.

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 09 07, 24, 07:02:39:PM

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: Truman62 on 09 07, 24, 07:23:25:PM
DOW hit 40K.
inflation is now lower than when tRump was in office.
Wages are up.
Millions new jobs created.
Record setting military budgets.
More minorities have jobs than when tRump was around.
Less chaos and corruption.
More boring competence.
No administration officials getting convicted of crimes.
MAGA Fanatics trying to kill their own.

And ALL you can do is say... "but the border..." and cry about it.

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: Truman62 on 09 07, 24, 11:25:36:PM
LOL MAGA just posts and runs!



Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: Truman62 on 09 08, 24, 09:09:28:AM

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: sine-qua-non on 09 08, 24, 11:23:18:AM
Republicans Unveil Plan to Avert Gov’t Shutdown — Includes Proof-of-Citizenship Voting Requirements

Democrats are predictably melting down over the common-sense proposal.

Republicans work FOR the people
DemoncRats work AGAINST the people
As expected!
DemoncRats are the FRAUD party !

House Republicans on Friday unveiled their plan to avert a government shutdown that is already triggering the Democrats because it includes a measure to require proof of citizenship to vote in elections.

The 46-page plan ( would keep the government funded into March 2025, and it includes language from the GOP’s SAVE Act that would require voters to prove their citizenship status before voting.

“Today, House Republicans are taking a critically important step to keep the federal government funded and to secure our federal election process,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said ( after the bill went up.

“Congress has a responsibility to do both, and we must ensure that only American citizens can decide American elections.”

Predictably, Democrats like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) are not happy with the provision requiring proof of citizenship to vote, calling it a “partisan” stunt.

“Speaker Johnson is making the same mistake as former Speaker McCarthy did a year ago, by wasting precious time catering to the hard MAGA right. This tactic didn’t work last September and it will not work this year either. The House Republican funding proposal is an ominous case of déjà vu,” he said in a joint statement ( with Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.).

A budget spending bill must be passed by early October to avert a government shutdown.

Why would Democrats stand against a common-sense proposal like requiring proof of citizenship to vote?

It’s because illegal aliens overwhelmingly support ( Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for opening the U.S. border to them ( — and they’ve already been caught attempting to register to vote.

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: gwboolean on 09 08, 24, 11:59:37:AM
Explain to me how Americans can want a leader who takes them out of the death spiral economy of Putin's Pussy and over 1500 Americans dying each and every day from the Trump Wuhan Virus!!!

Simple commie, Americans want to live and have a better life and freedom from dictators.  Something that you MAGA-Commies and Putin's Pussy are not willing to allow.  DAMN (

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: sine-qua-non on 09 08, 24, 02:46:47:PM
Nope we won’t allow the commie dictator DemoncRats to cheat the American peoples out of their votes or their liberties

like they did the last 4 years !

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: gwboolean on 09 08, 24, 02:57:04:PM
Nope, we won't allow you MAGA-Commies and Putin's Pussy to overthrow our government and make Putin's Pussy our dictator, like you MAGA-Commies and Putin's Pussy tried nearly 4 years ago.  DAMN (

Title: Re: Excellent, 10 million new Democratic Voters Registered!
Post by: sine-qua-non on 09 08, 24, 03:10:01:PM
Nope we won’t allow the commie dictator DemoncRats to cheat the American peoples out of their votes or their liberties

like they did the last 4 years !