All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 09 06, 24, 11:02:58:PM

Title: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: Jim on 09 06, 24, 11:02:58:PM
Alan Dershowitz leaves Democratic Party, cites DNC: 'I was disgusted'
Dershowitz cited the recent Democratic National Convention that was held in Chicago last month as the final straw


Speaking with radio host Zev Brenner on "Talkline with Zev Brenner," Dershowitz cited the DNC, which he said gave legitimacy to anti-Israel speakers, and anti-Israel protesters outside the gathering.

"It was the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention I've experienced," he said. "I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention. Absolutely disgusted."

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 09 06, 24, 11:07:39:PM

I'm surprised he held out so long.

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: D2D on 09 07, 24, 04:08:34:AM
Democrats keep hailing Hitler in their anti-Semitic zeal!

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: Truman62 on 09 07, 24, 04:10:47:AM
MAGA Fanatics keep hailing Donnie as the new Hitler in their anti-everyone zeal!

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: D2D on 09 07, 24, 04:30:45:AM
More monkey see monkey do from Truman!

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: Truman62 on 09 07, 24, 04:33:19:AM

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: D2D on 09 07, 24, 04:43:44:AM
Truman again proves he has nothing true to say about anything!

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: gwboolean on 09 07, 24, 01:20:25:PM
Leaving the party?  Didn't he do that when he took up Putin's Pussy's lies and helped him try to overthrow our government to make Putin's Pussy our dictator?  I have to say, that even for you that is Powerfulnnnzzzzzz (

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: Dan on 09 07, 24, 02:20:18:PM
Notice how the democrat party continues to leave their members.  They left Strom Thurmond.  They left Ronald Reagan.  They left Zell Miller.  They left Joe Lieberman.  They left Ron Silver.  They left Tulsi Gabbard.  They left Donald Trump.

All of these were former democrats left behind by their party, which keeps moving further and further left.

Title: Re: Another LONG TIME Democrat leaves Party citing: 'I was disgusted'
Post by: D2D on 09 07, 24, 02:25:16:PM
Democrats never forgave Republicans for ending slavery!