All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: dont-blameme on 09 06, 24, 04:49:18:PM

Title: The money that has been given to foreign countrys would have went
Post by: dont-blameme on 09 06, 24, 04:49:18:PM
a long way on securing American schools and made our children safe. We have people in position of power that cringe at the mention of a gun or police officers and would and will fight tooth and nail to keep both out of schools, then once the tragedy happens well they can always blame the gun the gun maker and now the parent or parents.

Maybe those same people would support a law that their security must not carry firearms. Blame don't solve problems, but removing people from office that uses blame is long overdue. CAST YOUR WITH COMMON SENSE WE NEED QUALIFIED PEOPLE TO SOLVE PROBLEMS.

Title: Re: The money that has been given to foreign countrys would have went
Post by: Jim on 09 06, 24, 04:55:07:PM
We could have SOLVED all the homeless in this country 8 times over.

Title: Re: The money that has been given to foreign countrys would have went
Post by: dont-blameme on 09 06, 24, 04:58:12:PM
Amen to that. American People and Children always first!

Title: Re: The money that has been given to foreign countrys would have went
Post by: Truman62 on 09 06, 24, 06:55:26:PM
What utter BS.

You MAGA Fanatics will ALWAYS pay to properly secure children in cages.


THIS is the kind of thing that lets MAGA Fanatics sleep at night.

Title: Re: The money that has been given to foreign countrys would have went
Post by: D2D on 09 07, 24, 02:31:30:PM