All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 09 05, 24, 01:21:14:PM

Title: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Jim on 09 05, 24, 01:21:14:PM

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Jim on 09 05, 24, 01:33:33:PM
How many of your high level people being in bed (and colluding) with Communist agents will it take to understand your Democrat Party is INFILTRATED ??

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 01:35:59:PM
Russian President Vladimir Putin ( said Thursday that Ukraine (’s gamble to seize his country's territory ( has backfired by boosting his own military's advance, a boast he paired with a teasing claim of support for Vice President Kamala Harris ( in the upcoming U.S. election (

Speaking at an economic forum in the far-eastern city of Vladivostok on Thursday, he said it was the “sacred duty” of the Russian army to do everything to “throw the enemy out” of the border region of Kursk and protect its citizens after last month's stunning assault (

Yet, Putin also said that Moscow's main goal remained capturing the Donbas region, Ukraine's eastern industrial heartland where Russian troops have been pushing forward for months (

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: chuck_curtis on 09 05, 24, 01:36:44:PM
No surprise there.

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 05, 24, 01:40:43:PM
Putin evidently backs everybody in the election in his efforts to divide America.   By the posts here on jimmyboobies forum he's doing a good job fooling you wp hacks. 

Well-known right-wing influencers duped to work for covert Russian operation, U.S. prosecutors say

They have millions of followers online. They have been major players in right-wing political discourse since Donald Trump was president. And they worked unknowingly for a company that was a front for a Russian influence operation, U.S. prosecutors say.

An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were “often consistent” with the Kremlin’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition” to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine.

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Jim on 09 05, 24, 01:44:35:PM
Well-known right-wing influencers duped to work for covert Russian operation, U.S. prosecutors say


Is this how you're covering up for Hockul being in bed with a Chinese spy handing over top level information and being influenced by Chinese Communist ideas?
How many of your high level people being in bed (and collusion) with Communist agents will it take to understand your Democrat Party is INFILTRATED ??

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 01:44:50:PM
Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 05, 24, 01:46:57:PM
U.S. officials have previously warned of Russia’s use of unwitting Americans to further influence operations in the 2024 election, but Wednesday’s indictment is the most detailed description of those efforts to date. Intelligence officials have said Moscow has a preference for Trump.

Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized influence operations to help Trump in the 2020 election, while his 2016 campaign benefited from hacking by Russian intelligence officers and a covert social media effort, according to U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials.

With the decline of traditional media like newspapers and limits on direct advertising on social media platforms, influencers are increasingly playing a key role in politics and shaping public opinion. Both the Republican and Democratic parties invited scores of influencers to their respective national conventions this summer. But with little to no disclosure requirements about who is funding influencers’ work, the public is largely in the dark about who is powering the messaging online.

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Jim on 09 05, 24, 01:52:01:PM
Putin Backs Harris

Putins PUSSY is now an accurate statement.  LOL

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 05, 24, 01:54:45:PM
Putin also backs trump jimmybooby.  or he backs Biden, or he backs Harris.   putin backs everyone in his efforst to spread division and you eat his shit up with a spoon and ask for seconds.   

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 02:01:13:PM
Democrats back Putin because they think alike!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: chuck_curtis on 09 05, 24, 02:06:44:PM
Poor Putin couldn't go to war while Trump was president.

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Jim on 09 05, 24, 02:36:21:PM
putin backs everyone in his efforst to spread division and you eat his shit up with a spoon and ask for seconds. 
ODD that you never said that until just now when you found out Putin Backs Harris. 
See how easy and willing your Hypocrisy wants to surface?

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 02:57:18:PM
putin backs everyone in his efforst to spread division and you eat his shit up with a spoon and ask for seconds.   
As do Democrats!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 03:09:03:PM
Putin feared the cost of invading any nation while Trump was president!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 05, 24, 03:10:47:PM
you old goofy wp shitholes just can stop with the divisive shit can you?   it's like you want to keep your head up putin's ass as you are comfortable there for some reason.

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 03:11:31:PM
Prove me wrong!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: warrenpees on 09 05, 24, 03:32:05:PM
The Party Formerly Known as Republican... ( (

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Jim on 09 05, 24, 03:34:32:PM
you old goofy wp shitholes just can stop with the divisive shit can you?
Then WHY do you dish it out if you whine so hard when it comes back to you?

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: chuck_curtis on 09 05, 24, 03:37:43:PM
Says the commies that does nothing but be obtuse and argumentative.  Hahahahaha!  Putin says he prefers Kamala.  Get it?  She's got a funny laugh.  You can't even agree with that.  LOL

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 05:15:05:PM
Democrats prove me correct once again!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Dan on 09 05, 24, 05:35:23:PM
you old goofy wp shitholes just can stop with the divisive shit can you?

LOL!  Vit says he is a Putin-loving racist divisive shithole.  (

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 05:38:23:PM
What is it about Democrats that makes them so dishonorable?

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: chuck_curtis on 09 05, 24, 06:10:46:PM
I don't know what Kamala's laughing and smiling about, except maybe it's her way of expressing weird delight at the state of affairs her and Brandon created.  I sure as hell don't feel like smiling about that.

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Jim on 09 05, 24, 07:49:04:PM
Democrats are purposely trying to bring America down.
They are keeping rate high to force us to pay more on everything.
They are contaminating our food supply to drive up those costs due to their growing scarceness.
They (Biden and Democrats) used the Covid Scamdemic to start this process of SCARCITY...

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: omiaqt on 09 05, 24, 08:24:45:PM
Yet, Putin also said that Moscow's main goal remained capturing the Donbas region, Ukraine's eastern industrial heartland where Russian troops have been pushing forward for months (

And deserting/dying in record numbers!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 08:57:33:PM
Remember, Beijing Biden and Cackling Kamala invited Putin to attack!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 06, 24, 02:23:03:PM
Democrat hate America the most!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 06, 24, 02:24:31:PM
In the presidential race, Russia supports Donald Trump as the candidate perceived as the least supportive of Ukraine, intelligence officials say. Trump has openly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggested cutting funds to Ukraine and repeatedly criticized the NATO military alliance. On Thursday, Putin wryly claimed he was pulling for Vice President Kamala Harris to win.

A secondary goal of Russian disinformation, officials have said, is to increase political polarization and distrust as a way of eroding American confidence in democracy.

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: Dan on 09 06, 24, 02:25:28:PM
In the presidential race, Russia supports Donald Trump


Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: stretch351c on 09 06, 24, 06:54:55:PM
Of course Putin would endorse the whore, after all, Democrat ideology is basically the same as his. 

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 06, 24, 09:10:54:PM

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 07, 24, 10:22:19:PM
Both Putin and Democrats love conducting show trials!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 08, 24, 02:44:25:PM
Democrats have no interest in justice just like Putin!

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 09, 24, 04:58:13:PM

Title: Re: Putin Backs Harris (NBC News)
Post by: D2D on 09 10, 24, 11:37:37:AM
Democrats are the party of scarcity!