All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 09 05, 24, 07:45:49:AM

Title: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: lakitss on 09 05, 24, 07:45:49:AM
...because he knows he can manipulate her like Joe. Even if the U.S. is pissing away billions in Ukraine, (the new Afghanistan nightmare) he knows Trump will find a way to shut that shit down, where Kamala won't and taxpayers will likely foot the bill for whatever shitty ideas democrats come up with.


Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: warrenpees on 09 05, 24, 07:49:19:AM
You make no sense, surrender monkey traitor.

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: lakitss on 09 05, 24, 07:54:43:AM
Given your response, clearly it makes perfects sense, as your world is 180 degrees off.....

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: warrenpees on 09 05, 24, 08:15:18:AM
So Putin wants Kamala to continue military aid to Ukraine as opposed to Trump, who will just hand over the keys and pink slip to

Ukraine to Putin.

Makes perfect sense.

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: lakitss on 09 05, 24, 08:37:59:AM
Putin sees democrats willingness to fund another war, drain resources like cash, weapons, and tech we need for our own self defense.

Trump would likely place endless sanctions on all aspects of Russia's economy making it very tough for them to continue this unpopular invasion. He will urge our allies to also impart sanctions on them, ban any sales in or out of Russia squeezing him from all sides.

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: August West on 09 05, 24, 09:15:04:AM
...because he knows he can manipulate her like Joe. Even if the U.S. is pissing away billions in Ukraine, (the new Afghanistan nightmare) he knows Trump will find a way to shut that shit down, where Kamala won't and taxpayers will likely foot the bill for whatever shitty ideas democrats come up with.

Someone is posting from the Kremlin...again.

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: lakitss on 09 05, 24, 09:18:19:AM
Ever heard of misdirection or spin?

Had he came out for Trump, you lefty's would be masturbating with glee and claiming you were right all along.

Putin has dealt with Trump in the past and doesn't want to do it again.

Ya'll are so easily fooled.

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: gwboolean on 09 05, 24, 11:43:14:AM
The MAGA-Commies are telling us that even Putin's Pussy's master, Putin, has dropped his endorsement of Putin's Pussy!  MAGA!!! (

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: chuck_curtis on 09 05, 24, 11:50:21:AM
Makes perfect sense Putin prefers Kamala.  Without her, we wouldn't have had these wars.  Four more of her is four more years of war.

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: gwboolean on 09 05, 24, 12:07:01:PM
Then why is Putin putting so much money and effort into Putin's Pussy's campaign?  MAGA !!!! (

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 12:18:53:PM
Democrats always side with foreigners!

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: gwboolean on 09 05, 24, 12:20:19:PM
Republican Commies are so MAGA!!! ( 

Powerfulnnnzzzzzz (

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 12:41:23:PM
Democrats continue to post nonsense!

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: sine-qua-non on 09 05, 24, 12:56:44:PM
The CCP and Russia are allies !

Russia weakens the USA …. China gets stronger so they can take Taiwan easier and CCP Compromised traitor Cho Xiden does their bidding betrays our country to repay our enemies for making his family rich !

Makes perfect sense !

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: gwboolean on 09 05, 24, 12:58:15:PM
MAGA!!! (

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 01:24:20:PM
Democrats continue to post nonsense!

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: warrenpees on 09 05, 24, 03:31:21:PM
The Party Formerly Known as Republican... ( (

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: D2D on 09 05, 24, 05:15:43:PM
Pees chimes in with more nonsense!

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: D2D on 09 06, 24, 01:57:05:PM
Democrats and Putin have a lot in common!

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: wvit1001 on 09 06, 24, 02:01:10:PM
is that why all the conservonutty peddlers of your wp shitshows are in a panic now that they've been exposed as peddlers of putin's shit doodlydan the putin man?

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: Dan on 09 06, 24, 02:02:06:PM
Nobody knows what you’re talking about, Vit. (

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: D2D on 09 06, 24, 02:11:59:PM
Have you noticed how Democrats keep getting ever more shrill and incomprehensible the closer we get to the election?

Trump Derangement Syndrome is leading to dementia!

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: lakitss on 09 06, 24, 02:15:04:PM
TDS has been an ongoing epidemic since he came down the escalator..pathetic losers would rather support failed democrat policies than embrace their own freedoms, choices and prosperity.

Pathetic drones...

Title: Re: Putin supports Kamala...
Post by: D2D on 09 06, 24, 02:16:40:PM
Democrats insist that only the government leadership is allowed to be free!