All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 08 21, 24, 08:08:58:AM

Title: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: lakitss on 08 21, 24, 08:08:58:AM
Leave it to a liberal to distort, twist and convolute anything into a sexual aspect!

DEI is the new political correctness disease of the mental illness epidemic infecting America.

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: takncarabizniz on 08 21, 24, 11:44:40:AM
Does she mean that if you're queer and in power, that everything will become a kumbaya moment and people will just come together in peace, harmony, and acceptance?  If so, she really doesn't know what other countries around the world think of LGBTQA2XYZ

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: gwboolean on 08 21, 24, 11:49:51:AM
It is good to see the end of the perverted sexual practices of the MAGA-Commie filth.  DAMN (

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: sine-qua-non on 08 21, 24, 11:52:54:AM
We know what it means.

For the clueless DemoncRats then …

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: D2D on 08 21, 24, 12:33:14:PM
Democrats are takers, not producers!

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: gwboolean on 08 21, 24, 12:36:03:PM
What does loser mean?

Two meanings.  Putin's Pussy and/or Republican Communist.  DAMN (

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: D2D on 08 21, 24, 12:38:54:PM
Democrats are takers, not producers!

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: Truman62 on 08 21, 24, 01:05:05:PM
Don't listen to a Basement Dweller like DvD.
It has sensitivity to light, words and germs.

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: D2D on 08 21, 24, 01:17:04:PM
Democrats are takers, not producers!

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: gwboolean on 08 21, 24, 01:19:05:PM
Scabby has a mess on his face from worshiping his false god.  Hawk Tua Scabby!!! Lik on his thang!  DAMN (

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: D2D on 08 21, 24, 01:20:50:PM
More word salad!

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: D2D on 08 22, 24, 02:15:43:PM
Democrats are the party of word salad!

Title: Re: OMG! WTF is she talking about?
Post by: D2D on 08 23, 24, 01:12:33:PM
Democrats have yet to make sense!