All Boards => Moved Hot Topics => Topic started by: Corona on 08 07, 24, 09:16:09:PM

Title: *** Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum? ***
Post by: Corona on 08 07, 24, 09:16:09:PM
Truman made a blatant threat against other posters.  Will you be taking any action?

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: gwboolean on 08 07, 24, 10:29:43:PM
What about the threats you have made to me Porcina?  Will any action be taken against you?

Actually Porcina, I don't give a shit about your threats or if any action is ever taken.  But you really are one whiney fat pig.  DAMN (

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Truman62 on 08 07, 24, 10:53:48:PM
And yet the threat I made is NOT a threat, unless you MAGA Folks twist it with a mega-dose of speculation, paranoia
and lots and lots of imagination.


Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Truman62 on 08 07, 24, 11:06:49:PM
Hey Corona, did you KNOW that the prosecution in a case HAS to prove the intent
of the accused to actually carry out the crime?

And WHAT leads you to believe I was going to kill anyone on this board?

And HOW could I do that, when I have no idea who anyone is?

Or where they are?

How completely insane are you?

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: D2D on 08 08, 24, 02:31:54:PM
Truman loves threatening others with violence!

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Corona on 08 09, 24, 04:22:56:PM
Ok update.  A detective with cybercrimes responded to me

He provided me with several courses of action.

1) document everything, take screenshots.  I have a few already but if there are more threats by Truman please message me or provide them in this thread.

2). Tell the forum moderator and have him banned or reprimanded. (I’ve done this already.  Jim has not responded.

3) have forum moderator provide me with the offenders IP address so I can relay this law enforcement

4). If the forum mod does not provide this, and if I wish to escalate this contact the detective and they will issue a subpoena for this Ip address

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: D2D on 08 09, 24, 04:33:41:PM
Democrats think themselves scary but are not unless in large mobs!

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Corona on 08 09, 24, 04:36:20:PM
Democrats think themselves scary but are not unless in large mobs!

Oh I know.  It’s time to hold them accountable

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: gwboolean on 08 09, 24, 04:51:27:PM
I consulted with a cyber expert and he told me...

You don't have to be a cyber expert to know that Porcina.  But tell us, is your cyber expert one of those cyber experts that said that Putin's Pussy won the 2020 election?  No wonder Putin's Pussy is going to lose again!  DAMN (

Oh, BTW, I have been doing all of that with MAGA-Commies like you for a long time Porcina.  The authorities (deep state if you will) are fully aware of the distribution of child pornography by many of you MAGA-Commies.  DAMN (

But we all appreciate the advice. Thank you Porcina.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Corona on 08 09, 24, 05:07:08:PM
You don't have to be a cyber expert to know that Porcina.  But tell us, is your cyber expert one of those cyber experts that said that Putin's Pussy won the 2020 election?  No wonder Putin's Pussy is going to lose again!  DAMN (

Oh, BTW, I have been doing all of that with MAGA-Commies like you for a long time Porcina.  The authorities (deep state if you will) are fully aware of the distribution of child pornography by many of you MAGA-Commies.  DAMN (

But we all appreciate the advice. Thank you Porcina.

Keep it up, I’ve already screen shot many pics of your posts.

I’m filing a civil suit against you for libel and slander. 

I’m already working on a subpoena for your up addesss.

Jim, you’ll be receiving this paperwork soon. 

Do you have a personal email address? My lawyer will be in touch

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: gwboolean on 08 09, 24, 05:18:42:PM
I have already screen shotted many of your posts!!!

Well Porcina, in the spirit of honesty I have been doing that for a long time with you.  Especially your threats and your association with distribution of child pornography.

I am going to file a civil suit against you! 

Feel free Porcina.  I don't think you would like how it will turn out for you though.  DAMN (

I am trying to find your IP address to serve you!!

I hope you know that, that is illegal and even if you illegally obtain that you can't serve a subpoena from illegally obtained information.  That dog just won't hunt Porcina.

Having said that, I would be happy to give you my personal information.  However, since I do not fully trust you, you would need to give me yours first.  Is that agreeable Porcina?

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Corona on 08 09, 24, 05:26:32:PM
Well Porcina, in the spirit of honesty I have been doing that for a long time with you.  Especially your threats and your association with distribution of child pornography.

Feel free Porcina.  I don't think you would like how it will turn out for you though.  DAMN (

I hope you know that, that is illegal and even if you illegally obtain that you can't serve a subpoena from illegally obtained information.  That dog just won't hunt Porcina.

Having said that, I would be happy to give you my personal information.  However, since I do not fully trust you, you would need to give me yours first.  Is that agreeable Porcina?

Try reading carefully dipshit.

I’m not illegally obtaining any information.  I’m going through the proper channels.  You have spouted defaming remarks which are unfounded.

My lawyer  will serve Jim with a subpoena to obtain your IP address.

And btw I’ve screenshot the above post as well where you explicitly repeat this lie. 

Thanks for making this easy.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Dan on 08 09, 24, 05:44:46:PM
... the threat I made ...

At least you finally admitted it. (

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Dan on 08 09, 24, 05:46:10:PM
I suspect Jim is working with law enforcement authorities to secure an arrest warrant.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Corona on 08 09, 24, 05:55:44:PM
I suspect Jim is working with law enforcement authorities to secure an arrest warrant.
I need his IP address before any  criminal legal action can take place.

I’m also obtaining Gwbbooleans.  I’m not kidding, I’m filing a defamation/libel suit against him.  They need to be held accountable

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: gwboolean on 08 09, 24, 05:57:05:PM
I am not illegally obtaining material!

If you say so Porcina.  Be very careful about that.  DAMN (

You have spouted defaming remarks and I want to sue you!

I fully understand your threat Porcina.  I was just giving you a friendly warning that you are probably wasting your time and money for a frivolous suit that could end causing you to lose everything you own, assuming a MAGA-Commie like you actually own anything.  Do you have that kind of money Porcina? DAMN (

Oh, and as for me.  I am what a lawyer would call a turnip.  I think even a MAGA-Commie moron like you would understand that reference Porcina.  DAMN  (

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: D2D on 08 09, 24, 06:27:29:PM
Still damning America, I see!

Why do you hate America so?

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Dan on 08 09, 24, 06:32:15:PM
Jim has all that information.  Making death threats, even if you don't actually attempt to kill anyone is a felony.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Truman62 on 08 09, 24, 06:44:18:PM
Then you had BETTER turn yourself in, Dan!

Drag all your MAGA buddies to jail, with you!  LOL

Wow, you guys are such SNOWFLAKES!

Oh no, am I gonna get sued for calling you a SNOWFLAKE?

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Dan on 08 09, 24, 06:44:48:PM
It's ALL right here, Dan.

Let's see it, then.

I know what you said

What did I say?

You posted some excellent paranoid delusions with narcissistic tendencies.

Which is understandable given the fact you threatened to murder me.

How are you going to prove my intent?

Don't need to.  Just making the threat is a crime.

W/o intent there is no crime.

Guess again.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Dan on 08 09, 24, 06:46:19:PM
Then you had BETTER turn yourself in, Dan!

For what?  What crime did I commit?

BTW, Jim is now investigating your crime.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: wvit1001 on 08 09, 24, 06:47:39:PM

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Dan on 08 09, 24, 06:48:39:PM
Vit admits the persecution of Trump is politically motivated by the radical libs.  (

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: wvit1001 on 08 09, 24, 06:51:50:PM

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: D2D on 08 09, 24, 07:18:14:PM
As you can see, Truman lives to lie!

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: wvit1001 on 08 09, 24, 07:46:10:PM

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Corona on 08 09, 24, 07:48:39:PM
Then you had BETTER turn yourself in, Dan!

Drag all your MAGA buddies to jail, with you!  LOL

Wow, you guys are such SNOWFLAKES!

Oh no, am I gonna get sued for calling you a SNOWFLAKE?

No, I’m pursuing criminal action against you. 

You better clarify what you meant “hunt you down “

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Truman62 on 08 09, 24, 07:50:33:PM
Here's my info, Corona:

Fuck You
1313 Fuck You lane
Fuck You, Texas 75666

Sue me now.

You can suck my big toe.

you KNOW you want to.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: gwboolean on 08 09, 24, 09:02:20:PM
Porcina, or Portnoy if you will, really seems to be having a bad day.  Do you have a GoFundMe account I can contribute to?  I am sure your lawyers are costly.  DAMN (

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 08 09, 24, 09:11:59:PM
From what is being seen off-line, several have compiled screenshots and are discussing with Authorities.

This is getting very credible and serious.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Jim on 08 09, 24, 09:12:47:PM
OK, I requested a link to the offending post but never got a reply. So, I spent more than an hour trying to hunt it down and found these:

Both were in conversation with Dan. Not Corona.

Corona, if you have a link to a threat on you then I need that link.

However, allow me to add my 2cents here.  When I read "The Threat" All I could do was giggle at the sheer audacity and the funny picture I had in my head of these old men (probably with bad knees or needing canes) trying to Hunt Down the major portion of society who actually own most of the guns and are the majority of actual HUNTERS.

And to top it off - Good luck trying to hunt down THIS Vietnam Vet who walked POINT every day ALL DAY for 6 months hunting VC and NVA.
As Scooby Doo would say: Rotza Ruk !!

Sorry, But my thicker skin didn't see it as an actual threat. Just a couple old cocks seeing if they had any crowing abilities left.
Now, if some politician said the same, THEN we'd have a problem.

Lastly, Booboo and Davik. You ARE skating on thin ice and caused people some anguish. And for that you get to take some time off..
MMmmmm Buh Bye !

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: takncarabizniz on 08 10, 24, 03:26:21:AM
Corona, Having been through an actual shitstorm with a former member of this forum, I can tell you that Jim was very responsive when it happened, so I expect if you use the private message option and speak with Jim directly, rather than via the posts, it will help expedite the process. 

I hope the dust settles. I put boo on ignore a long time ago.  I had enough of his ugliness, and it has been a breath of fresh air not having to read his personal attacks.  Davik is a whole lotta Texas hot air.  I give him about as much credence as boo.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Jim on 08 10, 24, 02:59:59:PM
Perhaps a re-read of the tTerms Of Service is in order.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: chuck_curtis on 08 10, 24, 05:32:30:PM
Some folks take this place way too seriously.  The commie trolls don't even take themselves seriously, so no one else should.  They're sick psychopaths and they feed off your reactions to their chit.  LOL

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Jim on 08 10, 24, 06:16:52:PM
Like the tTOS says: IF you're easily offended put the person on ignore, OR perhaps this isn't the forum for you.
Granted the ignore option is not the best, but I don't know how to make it better, I should have kept up with my programming skills. I used to be good at it, and I can't afford a programmer to come in to do it for us. I pay for this forum out of my social security and that's all I can afford.
But If I were to get a programmer in I'd have them upgrade this to the latest version with all its new bells and whistles and keeping the look and feel.


Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: stretch351c on 08 10, 24, 06:39:08:PM
This is not the place to be if you're easily offended. I have a couple of people here on ignore. The others, I just laugh at.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Dan on 08 10, 24, 06:44:51:PM
After left wing rhetoric inspired an attempted assassination on president Trump, we have to start taking these death threats seriously.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Jim on 08 10, 24, 06:55:08:PM
we have to start taking these death threats seriously.
I agree, Dan, and thats why they've been sent to bed without dinner.
But honestly, these coots don't have enough B12 in them to carry it out. 
Thats what I look at. Their ability and their demeaner and willingness to go the distance to carry it out, as opposed to their desire to just get under your skin for "getting under your skin sake."  IE: All Mouth and no juice in their EV scooter.
However, if they start posting they know your address and post part of it, then now we have a problem.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: Dan on 08 10, 24, 09:58:21:PM
I agree, Jim.  JW2 and Truman are all bark and no bite.  Still their threats, empty as they are, can not be tolerated.

Title: Re: Jim, do you allow death threats on this forum?
Post by: seahooker on 08 11, 24, 09:00:09:AM
I believe the threats to be benign, however, I also believe it is time to calm down on both sides. Too much hate and anger.