All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 07 31, 24, 10:40:49:AM

Title: Democrats must have failed in math..
Post by: lakitss on 07 31, 24, 10:40:49:AM students. Biden just decided to refill our oil reserces at $77 a barrel, yet balked at Trump's attempt to do the same when it was $30 a barrel.

Why? Because Trump that's why/ They opposed anything and everything he wanted to do claiming whatever excuse they had at the time.

Democrats are just fuck ups plain and simple. Cannot do anything right.


Title: Re: Democrats must have failed in math..
Post by: gwboolean on 07 31, 24, 10:47:14:AM
Lippy Liktits failed at truth.  DAMN (

Title: Re: Democrats must have failed in math..
Post by: lakitss on 07 31, 24, 10:48:41:AM
Nope, passed with all "A" s.

STFU, the adults are talking.

Title: Re: Democrats must have failed in math..
Post by: D2D on 07 31, 24, 11:06:05:AM
Democrats are determined to waste taxpayer dollars in the worst ways possible!