All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 07 31, 24, 07:52:16:AM

Title: Stay away from Denver...
Post by: lakitss on 07 31, 24, 07:52:16:AM you may get hit by a stray bullet meant for the Denver P.D.

Biden gang members in Colorado are green lit to shoot police.

Nice job Joe you treasonous piece of shit!

Title: Re: Stay away from Denver...
Post by: Truman62 on 07 31, 24, 10:14:55:AM
And yet NOTHING in your post says anything bout Biden, except for Homeland Security issuing a warning.

Seems Lackie is LYING and Projecting like we all KNOW it does.

Lackie is such a waste of server space.

Title: Re: Stay away from Denver...
Post by: lakitss on 07 31, 24, 10:24:59:AM
Biden deosn't even know where Denver is fer crissakes. He doesn't know where he is most of the time. This post is highlighting our border failures and the threats to police, American citizens and the Biden admistrations culpability.

Wake the fuck up.

Title: Re: Stay away from Denver...
Post by: Truman62 on 07 31, 24, 10:26:34:AM
And yet you STILL blame him.

LOL You are so pathetic Lackie!  (

Title: Re: Stay away from Denver...
Post by: D2D on 07 31, 24, 11:10:20:AM
Remember Criminals caught with firearms are released without bail on the same day as they are caught in Denver!