All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Truman62 on 07 30, 24, 09:45:32:PM

Title: Attack on Taiwan Assured if tRump wins!
Post by: Truman62 on 07 30, 24, 09:45:32:PM
With war over Taiwan becoming more likely, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump need to state clearly their positions on the volatile issue — Harris because she is a new presidential candidate with relatively unknown views, and Trump because he is an old candidate with incoherent views 

President Biden has said on four different occasions that America would intervene to defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack, and each time his own officials dismissed his remarks as nothing new. U.S. policy on defending Taiwan was unchanged, they said, without explaining what that policy is.

Neither the Biden administration nor any of its predecessors ever issued a declaratory, fully vetted policy statement committing the U.S. to defend Taiwan, even though it would send a strong message of deterrence to China and would be overwhelmingly supported by both parties in the House and Senate. Instead, despite Biden’s statements, his national security team has insisted on following the policy of strategic ambiguity first stated by the Clinton administration in 1995: “It would depend on the circumstances.” Every administration since has adopted that approach.

When asked in 2019 how he would react if China attacked Taiwan, Trump only said ominously, “China knows what I’m gonna do.” [Surrender immediately.]  But he did not deign to share that information with Congress or the American people, giving him the same plausible deniability earlier presidents have hidden behind. 

Trump had started off on a hopeful, resolute basis immediately upon his election in 2016, when he accepted a congratulatory call from Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen. When China objected to the unprecedented conversation between an American and Taiwanese president, Trump brusquely rejected the complaint, saying, “I can talk with anyone I want.”

Title: Re: Attack on Taiwan Assured if tRump wins!
Post by: Truman62 on 07 30, 24, 09:52:09:PM

Title: Re: Attack on Taiwan Assured if tRump wins!
Post by: Truman62 on 07 31, 24, 08:25:28:AM
MAGA knows how true this is, because EVERYBODY knows what a coward tRump is.

Title: Re: Attack on Taiwan Assured if tRump wins!
Post by: sine-qua-non on 07 31, 24, 09:07:50:AM
When Trump was in the WH, we started  no wars.

As soon as the CCP compromised traitor Cho Xiden usurped the presidency he lit the fuse to a proxy war with Russia !

The record is clear and undeniable, Trump for peace and security (

Any DemoncRat, the party of death, for war and destruction! (

Title: Re: Attack on Taiwan Assured if tRump wins!
Post by: Truman62 on 07 31, 24, 10:12:08:AM
tRump is too much of a puzzy to fight a war.

He surrenders as soon as he can, then brings MORE chaos.