All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wvit1001 on 07 30, 24, 07:19:34:PM

Title: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 30, 24, 07:19:34:PM

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 30, 24, 07:23:44:PM
I would say "books" but most conservonuts have probably never read one.

I'd have to go with "Science".   

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: Dan on 07 30, 24, 07:27:51:PM
Pathetic.  Libs have abandoned truth, logic and reason.

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 30, 24, 08:21:23:PM

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: gwboolean on 07 30, 24, 08:40:05:PM
Being DAMNed ( by the Marxist Negress is real high on the MAGA-Commie panic list.

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: chuck_curtis on 07 30, 24, 09:06:17:PM
Commies hello bent on transforming us into Eurozone-like nation scares me.  I would never live in any of them and that's why I don't.

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: gwboolean on 07 30, 24, 09:10:22:PM
You have been DAMNed ( Commie Curtis.  You won't be living in our country anymore. 

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: Truman62 on 07 30, 24, 09:46:21:PM
DRAG Queens!

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 07 30, 24, 10:45:25:PM

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 30, 24, 10:53:30:PM

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: Jim on 07 30, 24, 11:29:21:PM
I just LOVE how Democrats can't stop "Projecting" themselves onto the Right.  Everything they HATE about themselves is what they wish they could tag onto the Right.
Just today Leftwing News, celebrities, and politicians (in unison) have decided to call Trump "WEIRD."
Imagine that. The same people who have THIS are calling others WEIRD.  Hahaha

BTW: Trump being called "WEIRD" means he's no longer Hitler to the Left.  Hahahahaha
         So, it appears that the Democrats audition for the next shooter has been cancelled.   

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: lakitss on 07 31, 24, 07:32:33:AM
Jim (

Title: Re: Name something that scares Conservative goofs
Post by: Truman62 on 07 31, 24, 10:18:25:AM
Climate Change!