All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wvit1001 on 07 29, 24, 05:55:38:PM

Title: Republican Arizona mayor backs Harris over Trump
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 29, 24, 05:55:38:PM
The GOP mayor of Mesa, Ariz. — Phoenix’s largest suburb — endorsed Vice President Harris on Monday, saying only the vice president can “put country over party” in the November election.

Mesa Mayor John Giles wrote in an op-ed for The Arizona Republic that Republicans should reject former President Trump at the ballot box.

“Our party used to stand for the belief that every Arizonan, no matter their background or circumstances, should have the freedom, opportunity and security to live out their American Dream,” Giles wrote.

“But since Donald Trump refused to accept the outcome of the 2020 election, Republicans have yet to course correct,” he continued. “The Republican Party with Trump at its helm continues down the path of political extremism, away from focusing on our fundamental freedoms.”

Giles argued that President Biden and Harris have delivered for Arizona, pointing to infrastructure investments and new jobs, while Trump turned away from immigration reforms. He also argued that Harris represents a return to “decency” in politics.

Title: Re: Republican Arizona mayor backs Harris over Trump
Post by: Truman62 on 07 30, 24, 02:06:37:AM

Title: Re: Republican Arizona mayor backs Harris over Trump
Post by: lakitss on 07 30, 24, 08:44:23:AM
Arizona is another libtard run state still smoldering with the aftermath of election corruption versus Kari Lake.

No surprise they support another proven fucking loser.

It's what democrats do, they embrace failure every damn day.

You can't fix stupid when it comes to liberals, as they are beyond help at this point.

Title: Re: Republican Arizona mayor backs Harris over Trump
Post by: sine-qua-non on 07 30, 24, 08:53:37:AM
Laktiss (

Election corruption was in AZ was established after the 2020 elections!
Their SoS who ran the election put her career ahead of the people desire for Kari Lake 

Remember their voting machine problems?

DemoncRats run AZ is as corrupt as it gets !

Title: Re: Republican Arizona mayor backs Harris over Trump
Post by: Truman62 on 07 30, 24, 10:23:13:AM
For a party that has been OUT of power, you SURE give them LOTS of it!

How is a minority party OUT of power supposed to corrupt elections?

GOP put in their own people to run them.
GOP had final say on the results.

The ONLY people who keep saying this shit are loony toon, psychotic idiots
lie Kari Lake.

If you listen to Kari, and think she makes sense, then you need SERIOUS
Psychological help.


Title: Re: Republican Arizona mayor backs Harris over Trump
Post by: sine-qua-non on 07 30, 24, 11:05:49:AM
BS again from the child Duuuuhhhmbvik !

See how the party out of power committed massive fraud in the 2020 election and admitted by the CCP compromised traitor Cho Xiden!  ..

Title: Re: Republican Arizona mayor backs Harris over Trump
Post by: gwboolean on 07 30, 24, 11:10:37:AM
That's OK Commie Shitboy.  That old halfwit fossil you MAGA-Commies want to be our dictator is a loser.  Better find you a replacement while there is still time.


Title: Re: Republican Arizona mayor backs Harris over Trump
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 07 30, 24, 02:22:18:PM

Title: Liz Cheney backs Harris over Trump
Post by: Dan on 07 30, 24, 02:23:34:PM
Liz Cheney backs Harris over Trump
