All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: WWV10MHZ on 07 24, 24, 09:11:48:PM

Title: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 07 24, 24, 09:11:48:PM
When Dudes are bragging about all the Ho's they have tagged, she yells out "ME TOO!!!".

They called her "The Slurpee Queen"!!!


Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 07 24, 24, 09:14:03:PM

Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 07 24, 24, 09:20:56:PM
Actual pic. Howard University.


Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: D2D on 07 25, 24, 10:56:36:AM
Kamala has never lived in the real world!

Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: D2D on 07 25, 24, 02:17:27:PM
Desperate Media Seek to Erase Kamala Harris Failed "Border Czar" Role!

The very same media that championed Kamala Harris as America’s new “border czar” in April of 2021, is now claiming she not only wasn’t our “border czar,” but her duties never included slowing the surge of illegal immigration at our southern border.
Here are the proven liars at the far-left PolitiFact (I don’t link misinformation) this week providing tackling assistance for Kamala: Nope, they say, she was never border czar. Nope, she was never in charge of decreasing the flow of illegal immigration:

Biden tasked Harris with addressing the root causes that drive migration to the United States. He did not task her with controlling who and how many people enter the southern U.S. border. That’s the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility.
Experts say that seeing the results of addressing root causes driving people out of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras  — violence, economic insecurity and corruption — takes time.

Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: zsq987 on 07 25, 24, 06:24:10:PM

Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: chuck_curtis on 07 25, 24, 06:25:57:PM
Brandon in high heels.  LOL

Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: D2D on 07 25, 24, 07:06:23:PM
Kamala is proof Colleges have failed!

Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: D2D on 07 26, 24, 01:32:38:PM
Kamala cannot keep staff because she never listens and treats them like shit!

Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: D2D on 07 27, 24, 12:38:27:PM
Kamala is chained to Beijing Biden's presidency and policies!

Title: Re: Kamala Is In The Hall Of Fame Of The "Me Too" Movement!!!
Post by: D2D on 07 28, 24, 10:48:30:AM
Kamala is a failure of epic proportions!