All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: sine-qua-non on 07 24, 24, 03:25:50:PM

Title: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: sine-qua-non on 07 24, 24, 03:25:50:PM

Is this the moron that the DemoncRats are trying to sell as competent to be POTUS (

The Democratic Party’s new presumptive presidential nominee Kamala Harris “joked” and maniacally laughed on national TV about killing President Donald Trump and then VP Mike Pence in 2018.

The clip comes from an appearance on Ellen DeGeneres’ show in 2018 before Harris had announced her own doomed presidential campaign.

“If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, [Vice President] Mike Pence, or [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions, who would it be?” Ellen asked her.

Harris replied, “Does one of us have to come out alive?” before bursting out laughing.

FLASHBACK: In 2018, Kamala cackles hysterically after fantasizing about killing President Trump. (
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Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: sine-qua-non on 07 24, 24, 03:28:40:PM
Harris’ remarks are particularly disturbing now that she’s the Democrats’ presidential nominee and Trump just survived an assassination attempt nearly two weeks ago.

Just imagine how the left would react if Trump had made similar remarks about Harris.

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 24, 24, 03:35:03:PM
Democrats are the party of hatred and division!

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: gwboolean on 07 24, 24, 04:11:43:PM
If what you say about that Marxist Negress is true then Putin's Pussy and you MAGA-Commies are in for a world of shit.  Sounds like that Marxist Negress bitch intends to put an end to Putin's Pussy and you MAGA-Commies.

Better watch your commie asses.  She be comin for you! (

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 24, 24, 04:13:57:PM
Still nothing to say, I see!

Harris is a hater of all who threaten her pay-off income!

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 25, 24, 01:29:42:PM
Democrats are proud to admit it is so!

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 25, 24, 07:36:40:PM

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 26, 24, 01:46:06:PM

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 27, 24, 11:47:22:AM

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: gwboolean on 07 27, 24, 12:36:24:PM
MAGA-Commies are Communist AIs and illegals living in our country.  We need to deport all of them now! (

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 27, 24, 12:45:59:PM
Kamala is chained to Beijing Biden's presidency and policies!

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: sine-qua-non on 07 28, 24, 10:07:33:AM
Yep she sure is !

The communist manifest is her only playbook !  She follows int he footsteps of the previous and present anti American commie DemoncRats!

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 28, 24, 10:22:03:AM
You can bet most of the California prosecutions she was involved with were political!

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 28, 24, 11:48:54:AM
Democrats believe political prosecutions are the best prosecutions!

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 29, 24, 01:01:04:PM

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 29, 24, 05:41:06:PM

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 29, 24, 05:45:03:PM
she's a much better choice for the president of the US than the convicted felon and rapist conman trump.   

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 29, 24, 05:51:36:PM
how can you support and big fucked up asshole who's been found guilty of stealing from a children's charity?

“How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business”

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain. Charities are not a means to an end, which is why these damages speak to the president’s abuse of power and represent a victory for not-for-profits that follow the law. Funds have finally gone where they deserve — to eight credible charities. My office will continue to fight for accountability because no one is above the law — not a businessman, not a candidate for office, and not even the president of the United States.”

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 29, 24, 07:25:19:PM
Both fully debunked!

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 29, 24, 07:36:08:PM
By you just saying they were debunked doodly?   hahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaa.

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: gwboolean on 07 29, 24, 09:48:48:PM
Don't forget that the Marxist Negress is the head of DAMN.  You MAGA-Commies better pack your bags as you will be traveling soon.


Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: sine-qua-non on 07 30, 24, 08:46:22:AM
Notice silly nitwit zippy here gives us only one side of the story,
That’s how the commies do!
Just like the NY prosecutors where no crime was ever established!

Their kangaroo court decisions are of nefarious legend (

Title: Re: Cackling Kamalatoe Jokes About Assassinating Trump
Post by: D2D on 07 30, 24, 11:48:18:AM
Democrats lie every time their lips move!