All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 07 23, 24, 11:34:06:PM

Title: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HARRIS
Post by: Jim on 07 23, 24, 11:34:06:PM
MSNBC's Joy Reid says Black people will look 'real weird' if they don't vote for Kamala Harris

So, according to Joy Reid a Black person "HAS" to vote for a Black person.
Yet SHE was going to vote for White Boi Biden?

These #Idiots can't open their mouths without Hypocrisy finding its way out.

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: zsq987 on 07 23, 24, 11:55:03:PM
Joyless Reid looks weird 24/7 because she is totally filled with HATE, LIES and BS!!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: takncarabizniz on 07 24, 24, 03:39:39:AM
But she's no longer black...she's now Asian/East Indian...
So they can vote for whomever they like, just like the rest of us.

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: lakitss on 07 24, 24, 09:07:58:AM
This is again an established mantra of the plantation owners keeping black folks under their thumbs. Keeping them dependent on the deep state with any handout you can name.

Luckily Trump showed them a glimpse of what anyone can do in America if the limitations are removed. Too many regulations on the books that hinder small businesses with fees, and shit like that.

Kamala is farther left than Bernie Sanders and would be an epic mistake foisted upon the American people. Ten times worse that Obama and his Soros agenda.

She is the poster child for what America cannot allow to be in charge, absolutely the worst choice possible, and all the MSM media are kissing her ass because they are being told to.


Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: gwboolean on 07 24, 24, 09:15:48:AM
Black people will be dead if they vote for Putin's Pussy.  You can see their conundrum can't you Commie Crow?

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: D2D on 07 24, 24, 12:26:11:PM
Still nothing to say, I see!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: dont-blameme on 07 24, 24, 12:33:32:PM
That's like the famous words of al sharptongue when he said "vote for obama if for no other reason than hes black" obama wasn't black either. Remember we're dealing with democrats if they can change gender then they can change skin color and nationality to fit the needs of their agenda!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: D2D on 07 24, 24, 12:38:06:PM
For Democrats everything is race!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: Dan on 07 24, 24, 12:50:18:PM
You have to understand … intelligence, reason, and logic are “weird” traits to Joy Reid.

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: D2D on 07 25, 24, 01:45:16:PM
Joy Reid demonstrates that fact with every word she utters!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: D2D on 07 26, 24, 01:51:55:PM
The Left has nothing but contempt for Americans!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: D2D on 07 27, 24, 09:49:41:AM
Democrats hate all who leave their plantation!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: D2D on 07 28, 24, 11:50:01:AM
Democrats view every American as property!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: omiaqt on 07 28, 24, 12:16:52:PM
To make her Black...Jim Crow laws must be applied! 50% East Indian...40% Caucasian and 10% Black.

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: D2D on 07 28, 24, 12:34:16:PM
To Democrats everything is race!

Title: Re: Joy Reid: Black people will look 'weird' if they don't vote for HA
Post by: D2D on 07 29, 24, 12:49:39:PM
"You’re going to look real weird and real lonely on that side," she added. "You're really going to look crazy being on that side given the cultural phenomenon of Vice President Kamala Devi Harris. She's about to make history. She's about to become the first woman president."

"The door needs to close behind Amber [Rose], and she looked crazy over there. But shut the door behind her," Reid said, reigniting her feud with Rose, who she criticized after she spoke at the Republican National Convention ( last week.