All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 06 28, 24, 02:09:10:AM

Title: What do you think of the notion that NOW IS THE TIME FOR PUTINS WWIII
Post by: Jim on 06 28, 24, 02:09:10:AM
Think about it. If Putin ever had intensions of starting a war with the U.S. NOW would be the time. 

Why?   Because now is the time we have the weakest President. And if Putin puts us into war then the War Powers Act comes into play and Biden remains President for the duration.  Put doesn't dare wait for Biden to be replaced. Especially if he is replaced by Trump.
And BTW: WW3 does not need to mean Nukes. A war can be fought without needing to toss the big ones.

Title: Re: What do you think of the notion that NOW IS THE TIME FOR PUTINS WW
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 28, 24, 07:55:07:AM
God help us if Putin pulls that off, if our military leaders are on the same qualifications scale as the biden adminstration department leaders we are screwed with about as much chane of survival as a snowball in hell!

Title: Re: What do you think of the notion that NOW IS THE TIME FOR PUTINS WW
Post by: omiaqt on 06 28, 24, 09:19:47:AM
Given putin has lost approximately half a million troops and untold equipment pieces in a war against an inferior foe...I wouldn't give him good odds against the Air & Land Forces of NATO. However, should this hypothetical conflict escalate to nukes...NATO would need restraint against reciprocating, as putin would be cut off from the rest of the World and die.

Title: Re: What do you think of the notion that NOW IS THE TIME FOR PUTINS WW
Post by: warrenpees on 06 28, 24, 09:25:10:AM
The Party Formerly Known as Republican... ( (

Title: Re: What do you think of the notion that NOW IS THE TIME FOR PUTINS WW
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 28, 24, 09:42:31:AM
I say we are already in the beginning of it.  Such things do not start in one day.  They develop.  We see China, Russia, Iran and others aligning with each other against us.

Title: Re: What do you think of the notion that NOW IS THE TIME FOR PUTINS WW
Post by: gwboolean on 06 28, 24, 11:12:12:AM
Well Commie Crow, you think that your Russian allies are ready for the big one.  So what are you MAGA-Commies tasked to do for Putin when they start WWIII? (

Title: Re: What do you think of the notion that NOW IS THE TIME FOR PUTINS WW
Post by: D2D on 06 28, 24, 12:25:29:PM
Fortunately, Russia has been bled white by the war and Putin's horrible economic policies!