All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: dont-blameme on 06 11, 24, 07:02:06:AM

Title: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 11, 24, 07:02:06:AM
A  russian female sniper spent time in the white house as a guest of the Roosavelts and even toured the USA with the then first lady. TodaY democrats are still on friendly terms with Russia,and make claims that it's the GOP. In seems democrats fail to check history before they open their mouth and  accuse.

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: warrenpees on 06 11, 24, 09:38:09:AM
Why does the Putin Party want to hand Ukraine over to the enemy?

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: gwboolean on 06 11, 24, 10:52:55:AM
Because the MAGA-Commies work for Putin's Pussy, who works for Putin.  These commies think that they are fooling anyone by calling them commies.

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 06 11, 24, 11:19:42:AM
 Cause the Putin party works for not only the Russian communist but the Chinese communist as well !

To a DemoncRat commie, any communist is a welcome communist as they are comfortable with their own

than those of us who fought and died for our freedom and liberty which the democrats traitors being communist themselves

Have huge problems with !

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: gwboolean on 06 11, 24, 11:26:26:AM
The Republican Communists work not only for the Russians, but the Chinese as well!

America was made painfully aware of that when Putin's Pussy and you MAGA-Commies obtained the Trump Wuhan Virus from the Chinese and used it to murder 2 million Americans.  Good call out Comrade Snippy.

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 06 11, 24, 11:38:57:AM
Cause the Putin party works for not only the Russian communist but the Chinese communist as well !

To a DemoncRat commie, any communist is a welcome communist as they are comfortable with their own !

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: gwboolean on 06 11, 24, 11:46:53:AM
Comrade Snippy mouths his Russian commie programming rather well.  The last SDS virus packet that his Russian programmers provided him with seems to really be juicing this pervert up today. (

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 11:50:59:AM
In 1942, Pavlichenko was sent to Canada and the United States for a publicity visit as part of the Soviet Union's attempts to convince the other Allies of World War II to open a second front against Nazi Germany. When she visited the United States, she became the first Soviet citizen to be received by a US president, as Franklin D. Roosevelt welcomed her to the White House.[7] Pavlichenko was later invited by First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to tour the US, relating her experiences as a female soldier on the front lines.[7] During the publicity tour, Pavlichenko was not taken seriously by the press and was referred to as the "Girl Sniper."[5] Not cut out to be a diplomat, she was shy and said she just wanted to kill fascists.[15] When meeting with reporters in Washington, D.C., she was dumbfounded by the kind of questions put to her. "One reporter even criticized the length of the skirt of my uniform, saying that in America women wear shorter skirts and besides my uniform made me look fat."[16][17] They also asked if she used makeup on the front line.[7] She challenged an especially sexist reporter to a fistfight.

A brave woman fighting for a terrible cause!

Communism killed more Russians than the Nazis did!

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: gwboolean on 06 11, 24, 11:56:29:AM
Very good Comrade Dildo.  We are all happy to see that you have studied your commie history so well.  But like all your Russian gaslight, it is full of self serving misinformation. You commies need to up your game. (

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 06 11, 24, 12:03:45:PM
Comrade commie and death loving booboob here tries hard but just looks stupider trying to put his commie accusations on others

Even the US commie party claims the DemoncRats as one of theirs decades ago because they said, “ we don’t need any candidates anymore because the DemoncRats party has adopted all of our socialist communist policies and agendas “

Even Barry Soetoro aka BHO admitted to being majorly influenced by commie doctrines!

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 11, 24, 01:37:46:PM
Communist Russia was allowed to seize and emprison half of Berlin and all of eastern Europe at the end of WW2 and kept it a communist run dictatorship untill the Berlin wall fell InNovember 9, 1989, brought about by the leadership of a Republican President Ronald Wilson Reagan and a GOP adminstrastion.

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 11, 24, 01:44:47:PM
So do you think the US should have went ahead and fought a war against Russia to kick them out of occupied Europe after we over whelmed the Nazis blammie?

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: Truman62 on 06 11, 24, 01:50:48:PM
GOP is totally against what America stands for.
There's NO freedom with the GOP.

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 06 11, 24, 02:00:16:PM
Says a good lil VI Lenin commie puppet ! (

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: Truman62 on 06 11, 24, 02:02:12:PM
LOL And the comeback is with an insult!

No facts to dispute what I say, just insults.  LOL

How pathetic you guys are.  (

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 06 11, 24, 02:10:33:PM
The late great general Geo. Patten thought we should but the DemoncRats commie sympathetic politicians sought appeasement and a long drawn out unproductive harmful Cold War instead

Fact is duuuuhhhmbvik that everyone here knows you and your Delusional commie DemoncRats ilk follow V.I. Lenin’s admonition to “never tell the truth, an always accuse bothers of what you are guilty of”

You prove it here with every pathetic post !

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 11, 24, 02:21:54:PM
Bringing down the Berlin Wall was America last defeat against the communist spread! America lost in Korea and was defeated in Vietnam, that defeat in Vietnam was brought about with help to the communist by American college kids and other American Citizens. 

Title: Re: Dempocrats got along good with communist Russia.
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 06:06:01:PM
China now owns Asia and Africa thanks to Democrats!