All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Corona on 06 10, 24, 09:41:33:PM

Title: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Corona on 06 10, 24, 09:41:33:PM
I understand for the most part, the position maintained by many/most pro-lifers, many of you believe life becomes at conception and that this life should be protected.  Life is precious, especially innocent life should be defended, and to a certain extent I agree.

Like many of you, I find those who treat abortion as contraception to be abhorrent. 

That being said,

if your position is to protect/defend innocent life, infant/baby life, shouldn't the government also afford pregnant women free medical care, access to pre-natal medicines at an affordable price? 

some of the most "pro life/anti-abortion" states such as Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana have some of the highest infant mortality rates. 

What are these pro life states doing wrong? or could do better? 

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 09:48:34:PM
I think people that aren't ready for pregnancy can't afford to gamble.   That's just common sense.  This stuff isn't rocket science.  And pregnancy isn't a disease automatically requiring medical treatment.  It's been going on for thousands of years.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 09:59:25:PM
and for most all of those thousands of years women have been having abortions

The first recorded evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BCE. Many of the methods employed in early cultures were non-surgical. Physical activities such as strenuous labor, climbing, paddling, weightlifting, or diving were a common technique.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 10:00:22:PM
Free medical care is stagnant medical care!

Experience teaches us that nationalized healthcare kills medical advancement!

If you want to end advancement in maternity care make it free!

If you cannot afford prenatal care, don't get pregnant!

There are plenty of people willing to adopt so abortion isn't necessary!

CCPWvit, for all of history people have been murdering each other, does that make murder OK?

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 10:01:06:PM
The goal is not to promote irresponsibility.  The goal is to promote good, stable families while protecting life.  It's not easy to have and properly raise kids.  It never has been.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 10:04:04:PM
so forcing a woman to have a pregnancy she doesn't want is your idea of how to create a stable family chuck?

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 10:08:12:PM
So how am I forcing women to have sex?

CCPWvit, please explain!

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 10:13:39:PM
So vit, do you have better principles to live by, or are you just reacting irrationally to mine?

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 10:23:00:PM
Looks like CCPWvit fled the thread!

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 10, 24, 10:30:58:PM
shouldn't the government also afford pregnant women free medical care

No.  People are responsible for their own medical care, pregnant or not.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 10:32:57:PM
The reality of life has always been that young people have lots of sex, married or not.   And that some of those women get pregnant when they weren't planning on getting pregnant and don't want to follow through with the pregnancy.

Pregnancy shouldn't be looked at as a punishment for having sex. 

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 10:36:28:PM
The reality of life is people are free to make choices, and they are responsible and accountable to those choices.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 10:42:23:PM
so you look at pregnancy as a punishment for making a bad choice chuck?

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 10:53:53:PM
I think if you mishandle a gun and shoot yourself in the gut, it ain't no one's fault but your own.  Deal with it.  That's life.  Shooting someone else ain't no way to do that.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 10:57:35:PM
are you comparing a woman getting pregnant to someone accidently shooting themselves?

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 10:59:22:PM
I certainly don't consider it punishment, especially not on my part.  Hahahahaha!   I had nothing to do with it.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 11:00:38:PM
hhahahahahaa.   you don't really care about it one way or the other dan, it's just something you can troll about evidently.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 11:02:12:PM
It's your stupid crazy characterizations I don't care about.  LOL  And you just keep bringing them up, anyway.  Hahahaha!

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 11:03:08:PM
you don't care for it but it's true.   It's what you yourself said dan.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 11:08:16:PM
The reality of life has always been that young people have lots of sex, married or not.   And that some of those women get pregnant when they weren't planning on getting pregnant and don't want to follow through with the pregnancy.
The reality in life is that sex before marriage is always detrimental!
Pregnancy shouldn't be looked at as a punishment for having sex. 
Yet, Democrats made it a death penalty offense!

so you look at pregnancy as a punishment for making a bad choice chuck?
Democrats made it a death penalty offense!

are you comparing a woman getting pregnant to someone accidently shooting themselves?
No, no one can get pregnant without the involvement of two people!

hhahahahahaa.   you don't really care about it one way or the other dan, it's just something you can troll about evidently.
Says the compulsive and feeble troll!

you don't care for it but it's true.   It's what you yourself said dan.
No, you don't deal in the truth!

CCPWvit repeats himself far too often!

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 11:19:57:PM
CCPWvit insists that the majority must do as the small minority does and have multiple sexual partners before marriage assuming marriage ever occurs!

CCPWvit, why does a minority get the right to dictate the lives of others?

Why would anyone marry someone who has had multiple sexual partners?

Why would you risk disease in that way?

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 11:22:13:PM
troll'n old man dan is a troll'n hard now.   hahahahahahahahahahaha

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Jw2 on 06 10, 24, 11:23:47:PM
1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage.

and the pro-life fascists want to prosecute those women.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 10, 24, 11:46:30:PM
so forcing a woman to have a pregnancy she doesn't want

That’s called ‘rape.’  And it’s illegal. (

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 10, 24, 11:48:03:PM
Pregnancy shouldn't be looked at as a punishment for having sex

It’s not.  Having children is a blessing. (

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 10, 24, 11:49:41:PM
are you comparing one accident to another accident?

Sounds like it.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 10, 24, 11:51:53:PM
hhahahahahaa.   you don't really care about it one way or the other Dan.

Are you asking me what I believe, or are you telling me what I believe, Vit?  (

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 10, 24, 11:54:29:PM
Dan is a troll'n hard now.

What the hell are you talking about, Vit?  I only said one thing. (

Do I need to go back to calling you a liar?

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 11:55:17:PM
No pregnancy is an accident.  Drop those stork stories your mommy told you.  LOL  Shooting yourself in the gut is no accident, either. 

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 10, 24, 11:56:11:PM
Fascists want to prosecute women if they miscarry.

You do, John Walsh?  Why?

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 11:57:28:PM
hahahhahahahhaa.   troll'n old man dan is a troll'n hard.   hahahahahahaaa

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 11, 24, 12:06:27:AM
You mean you are, Vit.  (

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Corona on 06 11, 24, 09:47:42:AM
Jim, does your forum offer poll options? 

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Dan on 06 11, 24, 10:03:08:AM
Jim, does your forum offer poll options?

Yes there is.  On the main “current events” screen, just to the left of “Start New Topic” is an option for NEW POLL.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Corona on 06 11, 24, 10:24:17:AM
Yes there is.  On the main “current events” screen, just to the left of “Start New Topic” is an option for NEW POLL.

Thanks Dan

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 11, 24, 10:46:28:AM
if your position is to protect/defend innocent life, infant/baby life, shouldn't the government also afford pregnant women free medical care, access to pre-natal medicines at an affordable price?

One doesn't follow the other.  The right to life and the role of government are two totally separate issues.  You may just as well ask what the proper role of government is, in general, rather than conflate it with the fundamental right to life.  The right to life exists outside any man's government.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: Corona on 06 11, 24, 10:55:43:AM
One doesn't follow the other.  The right to life and the role of government are two totally separate issues.  You may just as well ask what the proper role of government is, in general, rather than conflate it with the fundamental right to life.  The right to life exists outside any man's government.

our government offers social services to its citizens for the betterment of many. 

I'm not advocating for handouts, universal healthcare etc.  I'm arguing that if the unborn, are so precious and worth defending, and if the government had the ability to implement programs (free pre-natal care/medicine) to better ensure a healthy birth, wouldn't this be a worthwhile pursuit? 

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 11, 24, 11:06:27:AM
In general, history shows it best to keep government out of charity work.  It is anything but charitable.  It is force.  Force is the only tool government has to accomplish anything and it is a nasty tool, though necessary, to be used only where absolutely necessary.  It's pay me this much to do this the way I decide to do it, or else I kick your arse.

Title: Re: Question for Pro-Lifers
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 11:58:43:AM
I have learned everything the government does is incompetent and wasteful!

There are plenty of private charities that do all that and more!