All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: WWV10MHZ on 06 10, 24, 05:53:39:PM

Title: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 06 10, 24, 05:53:39:PM
That's the problem with LibTards/Leftists/Dem-Commies/neo-Marxists...

They think they are SO much smarter than everyone else in the World and they need to have all things done FOR the unwashed masses
    because the masses are TOO IGNORANT and UNABLE to do anything for themselves.

Well, many of those ignorant people ARE that way because they are NEVER required to figure ANYTHING out for themselves.

The neo-Marxists LIKE it that way because it perpetuates the situation!!

If the Dem-Commies/LibTards/Leftists/neo-Marxists keep the unwashed masses ignorant, it guarantees the power structure over
    those ignorant people.

It is TOTALLY like the society we see in George Orwell's "1984". Big Brother does everything for everyone and the total power of
    the Govt is ultimate and everlasting and guaranteed. The population is completely enslaved and doesn't even realize it because
    Big Brother reminds them 24/7 about how "free" they are.

Now you can see where the Democrats are taking us!

Meanwhile, they constantly are saying that the Republicans (Trump) are a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 06:07:32:PM
Do you feel stupid, ignored and put upon?   Join the MAGA party.

Is that what you're saying wavy?

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 06 10, 24, 06:12:51:PM

Obviously, YOU are much too ignorant to realize that what you just said is the OPPOSITE of reality.

Your ignorance has just been displayed by the fact that the post outlined exactly what you just did.

You are SOOOOO DIM!!

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: stretch351c on 06 10, 24, 06:13:58:PM
Well said WWV

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 07:33:54:PM
Democrats view all Americans as hopeless incompetents who must be managed at all times!

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: zsq987 on 06 10, 24, 08:05:00:PM
Thanks, stretch!



To the Democrats, we're all just blobs of cells (like un-born Babies) and we only exist because they allow us to exist if we can, in some
    small way, provide a benefit for THEM. If we are NOT benefitting the Dem-Commie agenda, we must be aborted!!!

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: gwboolean on 06 10, 24, 08:13:43:PM
There is just one word in answer to the MAGA-Commies.  RETRIBUTION!!! (

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 08:17:15:PM
As you can see, the foolish tool called only for retribution, not justice!

Retribution for what?

The foolish tool hasn't a clue!

He is a true Nazi!

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: gwboolean on 06 10, 24, 08:18:12:PM
Why, I am glad you asked Commie Dildo.  Let me provide you with just a few things that you MAGA-Commies are going to suffer retribution over.

1. Creating our entire national debt by stealing nearly $60 Trillion from America's treasury and giving it to your Rich Republican Communist elites.

2.  Lying to America and starting/losing and leaving America with a war for 20 years at a cost of $10 Trillion and thousands of American lives.  It finally ended when Putin's Pussy turned Afghanistan over to Hamas and Taliban and left them $billions worth of American military hardware that has since been used to kill Americans.

3.  Trying to steal the last election and when that failed attempting a coup to overthrow our government and make a Russian puppet our dictator.

4.  30 years of weaponizing the government against Americans and opponents of the Republican Communist party.

5.  Attempting now to make a convicted criminal and rapist pervert our dictator.

6.  Working with Russians to bring down our President.

7.  Enacting laws to limit the freedom and right to vote of American citizens.

Without even adding anything to the list, you MAGA-Commies can plan on a whole lot of retribution coming your way.

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 08:19:50:PM
So, you haven't a clue!

I knew it!

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 08:50:47:PM

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 09:32:58:PM
CCPWvit posts a self-portrait!

Title: Re: Democrats Say We Need Them To Resolve All Our Issues
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 12:28:31:PM
Whatever Democrats "fix" creates three new problems!