All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 05:22:34:PM

Title: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 05:22:34:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 05:46:07:PM
The centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stood its ground, remaining the strongest group in the European Parliament. “We will stop them — this is for sure,” von der Leyen told her supporters, triumphant in her tone.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 05:48:00:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: stretch351c on 06 10, 24, 06:17:07:PM
People are catching on fast to the dangers of Liberalism and it's "government is all" mentality.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 06:20:10:PM
The world is rejecting the climate crisis hoax/green and mass immigration commie chit.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 07:30:56:PM
What is your point, CCPWvit?

What does the EU parliament have to do with national elections?

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 07:40:25:PM
Commies' biggest threat to democracy is citizens voting and their votes count.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 07:45:38:PM
Democrats fear transparent elections!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 08:32:23:PM
EU Elections: Big Defeat For Globalism, Leftists As Europe Moves To The Right!

Across Europe, the Greens were hardest hit.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 10, 24, 08:48:01:PM
you have to remember that American liberals woulld be the equiviliant of European center right.   There are very few "liberals" in American politics. 

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 12:29:32:PM
That proves you are truly delusional!

Democrats have no policies to the right of far left!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 12, 24, 03:09:44:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 13, 24, 01:48:56:AM
Macron put foreigners above his constituency and is now surprised they don't like him!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 13, 24, 04:51:44:PM
The Left never ceases to prove their arrogance and Narcissism!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 14, 24, 01:30:31:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 14, 24, 03:47:29:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 19, 24, 12:27:42:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 19, 24, 06:48:08:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 19, 24, 06:50:04:PM
by the looks of this thread you're the only one here who is worried about the European elections doodly.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: sine-qua-non on 06 19, 24, 06:52:36:PM
Yep (

Euros are tired of the NWO leftist BS and destruction policies and are swinging a hard right back to sanity!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 19, 24, 07:05:36:PM
If Europe turns Communist, we will essentially be alone!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 19, 24, 07:08:31:PM
Europe's not turning communist goofy.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 19, 24, 07:15:49:PM
Yes, it is!

They are trying to ban the largest conservative party because the voters hate them!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 20, 24, 02:25:17:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 24, 24, 12:43:13:PM
Did you know that, in the run-up to the nation’s looming General Election on 4 July, there has been a sudden mass outbreak of neo-Nazism right across the United Kingdom? No? That’s because there hasn’t. But this has not prevented mainstream British media and politicians hysterically claiming otherwise, and all thanks to the supposed malign, fascistic influence of one man in particular: former Chief Brexiteer and current leader of the insurgent start-up Reform Party, Nigel Farage.

How is Nigel a Nazi? Well, he isn’t, so the smear just has to be essentially invented out of nothing.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 24, 24, 07:38:26:PM

Diversity isn't a strength!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 25, 24, 05:35:46:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 28, 24, 01:12:19:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 28, 24, 10:53:53:PM
Leftists continue to alienate working people and the young!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 29, 24, 06:41:25:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 06 30, 24, 12:37:24:AM
Fraud is what the Left is all about!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 01, 24, 02:30:28:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 02, 24, 01:38:54:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 03, 24, 01:47:29:PM
“Help us take the first really big step”, Brexit’s Nigel Farage says on the final day of his last-minute, four-week campaign to get a foothold in Britain’s Parliament with Thursday’s national election.

The United Kingdom will vote in its first national election in five years on Thursday to select the next parliament, and consequently Prime Minister and government. Polling showing the Labour party being all but certain to take a massive majority in the house — possibly the largest in modern British history — has been taken essentially as fact, and the race for second place is the only game in town.

In normal times and for a century the positions of government and opposition change hands between just two parties, Labour and the Conservatives. Yet the Conservative Party has cynically betrayed its own voters to a degree possibly unprecedented in history, and even worse in the internet age where the legacy media can no longer be relied upon for avoiding scrutiny.

So having promised to reduce mass migration to the “tens of thousands” a year but actually boosted it to a million every 18 months, and having promised to deliver on Brexit but squandered it, and having promised to cut taxes but having actually increased the burden to post-war highs, the moral authority of the Conservatives appears comprehensively broken.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 03, 24, 02:37:29:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: Truman62 on 07 03, 24, 02:41:00:PM
The World is buying into the Far Right Totalitarian BS!

Enjoy it!  Satan is VERY pleased.  (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 03, 24, 03:01:46:PM
Truman says individual rights and secure borders are "Far Right Totalitarian BS"!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 05, 24, 01:05:38:PM

Leftists continue to prove themselves terrorists!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 05, 24, 02:31:49:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 06, 24, 01:01:17:PM
The world is fed up with the Left!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 06, 24, 01:28:01:PM

Sweden encourages child rape!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 07, 24, 12:13:51:PM
Leftists see nothing wrong with child rape!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 07, 24, 05:51:47:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 07, 24, 06:14:02:PM
MAGA styly wp far right assholes are getting their asses kicked in the elections in Europe.   The only place the MAGA type wp nationalism is welcomed is in countries run by dictators.

Regular people don't like the MAGA type wp nationalists today anymore than they did back in the days of WWII and Hitler.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 07, 24, 06:17:52:PM
French left wins big in snap elections: 'Huge surprise' in Italian media

Projections showing the far right coming in third behind the leftist alliance New Popular Front and President Macron's centrist camp in the French legislative elections Sunday came as a "huge surprise" with the media in Italy, FRANCE 24's Seema Gupta said.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 07 07, 24, 06:22:29:PM
Britain swings to the center-left in a historic U.K. election landslide

Official election results Friday showed a landslide victory for the country’s center-left Labour Party — its first victory in 19 years, since under the leadership of Tony Blair.

For the Conservatives — the party of Margaret Thatcher, Boris Johnson and outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak — it was the worst defeat in their party’s nearly 200-year history. Prominent lawmakers including former Prime Minister Liz Truss, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Penny Mordaunt lost their seats in Parliament. Sunak retained his seat but resigned Friday as Conservative Party leader, and apologized to the country.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: Jw2 on 07 07, 24, 06:23:22:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 07, 24, 07:58:08:PM
Jw2 loves quoting liars and their fake "interviews"!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 09, 24, 06:14:57:PM

The UK government is too corrupt!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 09, 24, 10:08:24:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 09, 24, 10:33:22:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 10, 24, 09:21:50:AM
Leftists insist you have no rights!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 10, 24, 02:36:49:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 11, 24, 04:12:48:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 12, 24, 09:01:53:AM
Europe will soon see mass murder greater than what the Nazis did!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 12, 24, 10:58:10:PM ( (

Leftist government caught lying again!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 13, 24, 12:03:08:PM
When the Left is running things expect only lies!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 13, 24, 04:53:19:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 14, 24, 08:26:10:AM
Leftists want all individual rights banned!

The shooter made one singular $15 donation to the liberal ActBlue political action committee on January 20, 2021 — Biden’s Inauguration Day, the Intercept reported.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 19, 24, 12:54:58:PM

Diversity isn't a strength!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 19, 24, 02:13:52:PM
Leftists like seeing cities burn!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 20, 24, 12:10:37:PM
The sobbing father of children 'taken away by police' broke down and begged for their return after members of the Roma community gathered in Leeds on Friday night in solidarity with the family following a night of rioting in the city on Thursday.

The family gathered in front of the wreckage of a burnt-out double decker bus to appeal for the return of their children after police removed several children from a house on Luxor Street on Thursday, sparking civil unrest.

'Please bring my children back. I want them back. Why take my kids? They were taken from us,' the father from Romania told The Mirror on Friday.

A family friend told the outlet the father had tried to stop the riots when they broke out on Thursday night and 'wants calm'.

Members of the Roma community later gathered in solidarity with the family on Friday in peaceful protest, chanting 'Please bring the kids back!' over the decision to remove them from the home.

West Yorkshire Police sought to clarify the situation in a statement released Friday, explaining that officers were responding to reports of 'hostility' towards social workers at the house on Thursday afternoon when they were themselves 'attacked'.

They 'withdrew to a place of safety' before the riots erupted across the city, leading to a bus being torched and a police car overturned in a dramatic show of anger.

Diversity isn't a strength!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 20, 24, 04:44:21:PM ( (

The Passing of the Great Race: Or, The Racial Basis of European History is a 1916 racist and pseudoscientific[1][2] book by American lawyer, anthropologist, and proponent of eugenics Madison Grant (1865–1937). Grant expounds a theory of Nordic superiority, claiming that the "Nordic race" is inherently superior to other human "races". The theory and the book were praised by Adolf Hitler and other Nazis.

Yes, the author was a progressive!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 21, 24, 12:06:08:PM
God save us from progressives!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 07 23, 24, 05:59:56:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 07, 24, 03:42:56:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 07, 24, 03:54:23:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 07, 24, 03:58:21:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: Truman62 on 08 07, 24, 04:46:12:PM
MAGA Fanatics want to KILL us all!

If you are NOT MAGA, MAGA will KILL us!

Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911! 
Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911! 
Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911! 
Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911! 
Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911!  Call 911! 

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 07, 24, 08:46:28:PM
Democrats will get shriller and more asinine as election day approaches!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 08, 24, 02:58:14:PM
Democrats hate the very idea of free speech!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 08, 24, 05:12:44:PM
England, like the rest of Europe, has been struggling mightily under a wave of mass migration. Many of the migrants arrive in small boats under cover of darkness from France — in other words, illegally. This has become a major source of frustration among the British people. In fact, voters were so frustrated with conservative lawmakers failing to stem the flood of illegal immigration that they recently elected the Labour Party in protest.

In Southport, the demographic change has been rather drastic. Over the course of 20 years, the foreign-born population has grown from 4% to roughly 10%. This is a big shift considering Southport is a smaller city on the northwest coast. Southport’s experience with rising migration is small potatoes compared to major city centers like London. However, it’s the backdrop to the events that unfolded next.

On July 29, little girls gathered at a dance studio in Southport to participate in a Taylor Swift-themed workshop. A male teen, Axel Rudakubana, entered the studio with a knife and proceeded to stab 13 people, mostly children. Despite the heroic efforts of the dance teachers to shield the children, three were mortally wounded. Their names were Bebe King (6), Elsie Dot Stancombe (7), and Alice Dasilva Aguiar (9). When a police officer showed up, he didn’t arrest the alleged murderer right away because he only had a baton. He had to wait until better-armed police showed up to arrest the killer.

Information has been slow to reach the public. During the assault, Rudakubana was only a handful of days away from 18 and thus an adult in the eyes of the law. What motivated his attack? It was this lack of information that led residents to start filling in the blanks.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 08 08, 24, 05:14:59:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 08, 24, 08:17:41:PM
As you can see, Democrats are getting ever shriller and incoherent!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 09, 24, 01:26:47:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 10, 24, 08:02:37:PM
Democrats insist you will have nothing and be happy about it!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 11, 24, 08:53:58:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 12, 24, 04:02:10:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 14, 24, 02:43:21:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 14, 24, 02:54:22:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 15, 24, 12:39:51:PM
Leftists are Nazis!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 15, 24, 05:59:28:PM

Arrested for anti-establishment rhetoric!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 15, 24, 06:21:28:PM

YouTube is fascist!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 15, 24, 06:25:51:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 15, 24, 07:59:10:PM
Murdering children is OK in the UK if a "person of color" does it!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 15, 24, 08:18:54:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 08 15, 24, 08:43:18:PM
as you can see the MAGA goofs here are big believers in 1488.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 15, 24, 09:44:51:PM
So, you want to save democracy by ending democracy and free speech!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: wvit1001 on 08 15, 24, 09:50:20:PM
I don't see where anyone's ending free speech or democracy doodly?   You're blabbering nonsense again.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 15, 24, 11:45:42:PM
So, you viewed none of the videos you commented on as usual!

Your determined ignorance is embarrassing!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 16, 24, 01:36:10:PM
Why do you believe killing children is good?

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 17, 24, 12:40:59:AM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 17, 24, 06:03:15:PM
Leftists insist you have no rights!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 18, 24, 12:16:26:PM
Leftists hate all who are free and seek to enslave them!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 18, 24, 02:31:11:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 19, 24, 03:12:00:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 20, 24, 04:09:24:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 20, 24, 09:59:42:PM
An explosion of violent crime in the United Kingdom has made England and Wales into what one economist calls "the rape capital of Europe by a sizeable margin."

The figures are "pretty grim," according to UK economist and podcast host Philip Pilkington. "Looks like Britain is becoming a pretty unsafe place."

(The UK publishes separate crime statistics for England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.)

The rate of increase is staggering, too. Reported rapes are up 63% in just five years.

In the city of Bournemouth, where anti-immigration protestors were rounded up by authorities two days ago, rapes increased from 98 in 2010 to 342 last year — three and a half times as many as before.

Meanwhile, His Majesty's Labour government responded by preparing to empty the jails of 5,000 criminals, some of them violent, to make room for the people protesting against Britain's immigration-fueled crime wave.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 21, 24, 02:50:58:PM
Leftists want the West to burn!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 22, 24, 01:33:58:PM
An iron curtain is falling on Europe!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 26, 24, 02:03:17:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 27, 24, 10:37:23:AM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 27, 24, 06:21:25:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 28, 24, 03:56:41:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 28, 24, 05:29:01:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 28, 24, 10:27:15:PM
Violent knife and sex offenders can increasingly escape prosecution if they show contrition and say sorry, a report Wednesday claims.

According to the Daily Telegraph, more than 147,000 people accused of offences including sex crimes, violence and weapons possession across the UK were given community resolutions in the year to March instead of being prosecuted.

Such resolutions do not result in a criminal record. The outlet set out the terms applied to each case of forgiveness against a background of jail overcrowding:

    Police guidance says community resolutions should be restricted to low-level crimes, with offenders required to apologise to the victim, accept “responsibility” for their crime and offer some form of recompense.

    But the resolutions, which are issued at the discretion of individual officers, have increased by 40 per cent since 2019 – when 102,574 were recorded – and are now nearly twice as likely as a criminal charge, according to an analysis of Ministry of Justice data.

    The surge comes amid a deepening crisis in the criminal justice system. Prisons are so full that the Government is releasing thousands of criminals early next month in the wake of the riots, while police have raised concerns that any worsening of jail overcrowding could limit their ability to make arrests.

All to make room for thought criminals who post offending memes!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 29, 24, 03:03:24:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 30, 24, 01:21:05:PM
Leftists all insist the people must shut up and obey!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 30, 24, 03:00:20:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 30, 24, 09:10:44:PM
Leftists are desperate to kill the West!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 31, 24, 02:02:54:PM
Why does the Left wish death upon the innocent?

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: Truman62 on 08 31, 24, 02:03:47:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 08 31, 24, 02:07:41:PM
Democrats hate all free people!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: Truman62 on 08 31, 24, 02:09:25:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 01, 24, 01:35:11:PM
Almost 1.7 million foreigners residing in the U.K. are out of work or “economically inactive,” costing taxpayers an estimated £8.5 billion per year according to a new report.

An analysis of government figures by the Centre for Immigration Control shows that the current levels are the highest ever, surpassing a previous high of 1,628,000, recorded in 2012.

The £8.5 billion estimate doesn’t even include the costs of asylum seekers, who are routinely placed into four star hotels, as well as foreign students, meaning the actual cost to a British taxpayers is probably much higher.

In addition, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has revealed that the Home Office spent a staggering £7.9 billion in just three years on asylum, border, and visa management when its budget was just £320 million.

They went £7.6 BILLION over budget.

The West's foolish waste continues in earnest!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 02, 24, 01:57:57:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 02, 24, 03:24:17:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 02, 24, 04:15:56:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 03, 24, 02:55:57:PM ( (

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 04, 24, 01:59:24:AM
She is having people arrested for calling her "fat"!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 04, 24, 04:28:19:PM

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 07, 24, 04:25:42:AM
The historian Darryl Cooper has argued in an interview on Tucker Carlson's show that Winston Churchill "was the chief villain of World War II," which would be both interesting and indeed shocking were his thesis not based on such staggering ignorance and disregard for historical fact that it is safe to disregard completely.

Cooper's first argument was that Churchill "was primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did, something other than an invasion of Poland." Yet in the moment that Adolf Hitler invaded Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg at dawn on May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill was not even prime minister. Unless Mr. Cooper is arguing that from his position as First Lord of the Admiralty—the head of Britain's navy—Churchill was somehow able to force Hitler to unleash Blitzkrieg in the West, his first argument falls to the ground.

Hitler had planned his surprise attack through the Ardennes—the "Sickle-cut" maneuver—with senior generals such as Erich von Manstein, Erwin Rommel, and Gerd von Rundstedt several months before the attack took place. They bear responsibility "for that war becoming what it did," not Churchill. Furthermore, they also bear full responsibility for the unprovoked invasion of neighboring Poland itself, about which Cooper and Carlson were silent.

In April 1939, when Churchill was not even in the cabinet, the British government guaranteed Poland's security, so Hitler had no right to be surprised when Britain went to war with Germany when he flagrantly disregarded that guarantee.

Cooper's next egregious error was to blame Operation Barbarossa on Hitler's perception of a threat from Stalin, or a Soviet plan to capture Romanian oilfields, completely ignoring the genuine reason, which was the Nazi demand for Lebensraum—"living space" in Eastern Europe, especially in Belarus and Ukraine. One wonders whether Cooper has ever read Mein Kampf, in which Hitler's ultimate intentions were made plain. Elsewhere in the interview he makes the outlandish claim that Hitler "no longer thought of Russia as an international Communist movement," which contradicts all the evidence of Hitler's public and private statements prior to unleashing Barbarossa.

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 07, 24, 10:26:37:PM
Democrats continue to stew in their ignorance!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 08, 24, 02:40:05:PM
Is Europe still part of the West?

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 09, 24, 05:06:03:PM
Democrats have no answer!

Title: Re: Leftist Losers React to European Elections!
Post by: D2D on 09 10, 24, 12:09:53:PM
Democrats continue to prove their hatred of the West!