All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 06 10, 24, 09:37:41:AM

Title: Biden and the DNC, the real "Home of the Whopper"
Post by: lakitss on 06 10, 24, 09:37:41:AM
Truth it seems is an unattainable concept for Joe given the endless stream of shit he openly and repeatedly spews to crowds who blindly clap and cheer when the "applause" sign flashes.

Too bad and really sad that these are all fabricated bullshit to somehow prop up his image as a man of the people.

Joe is a living fossil suffering from dementia and has no business as POTUS. In fact he is and has been a liability to this great nation for decades, only now it's truly embarrassing on a global stage.

The MSM cringes whenever he blurts out some outrageous tale of his past and cannot validate anything he says, yet there they sit spinning away in another direction like good water hauling piss boys.

I will end in November if he's still alive and gets the nomination.

Title: Re: Biden and the DNC, the real "Home of the Whopper"
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 10:27:32:AM
Beijing Biden lies every time his lips move!

Title: Re: Biden and the DNC, the real "Home of the Whopper"
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 12:41:01:PM
Democrats happily admit it is so!