All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 06 10, 24, 12:51:09:AM

Title: Democrats in Shock
Post by: Jim on 06 10, 24, 12:51:09:AM

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: Truman62 on 06 10, 24, 01:36:50:AM
And yet you ignore the poor, old and destitute, that do NOT have access to their 80+-year-old birth certificate,
and can't get to the TX Bureau on the 5th Saturday of the month since the buses conveniently do not run on
that day.  Even if they go, and wait for 3 hours, they are told they have the wrong piece of paper and have to
come back to try again.

And no, living on a fixed income means they find the transportation fees and time to be a MAJOR inconvenience,
and some consider it too much of a burden to bear, because to get the ID they can't afford their drug Rx's.

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 10:34:19:AM
Truman is an ageist, sexist, racist leftist loon!

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: Dan on 06 10, 24, 12:21:18:PM
And yet you ignore the poor, old and wildly wealthy, that do NOT have access to their 80+-year-old birth certificate

Joe Biden doesn’t have ID?  And who waits until they’re 80 before getting ID?

[/HIGHLIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]can't get to the TX Bureau on the 5th Saturday of the month since the buses conveniently do not run on
that day.


[/HIGHLIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]And no, living on a fixed income means they find the transportation fees and time to be a MAJOR inconvenience,
and some consider it too much of a burden to bear, because to get the ID they can't afford their drug Rx's.

If you can’t afford a bus ride, that costs $2, you’ve got bigger problems than affording a bus ride.

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: Jim on 06 10, 24, 01:16:44:PM
And yet you ignore the poor, old and destitute, that do NOT have access to their 80+-year-old birth certificate,
So you're saying that those "poor, old and destitute" raised PissPoorChildren and Grand-children?
Are you saying that in all their life they've never voted nor wanted to?

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: gwboolean on 06 10, 24, 01:41:18:PM
Commie Crow is saying?

If you have never been able to vote you should not be allowed to vote? Or are you saying that if you are poor or black you raised pisspoorchildren and will never get to vote?

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: Jim on 06 10, 24, 02:45:04:PM
Just following your own Logic (or LACK OF).

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: gwboolean on 06 10, 24, 03:42:01:PM
I am just following your own faked Russian commie shit you use to make your SDS virus programmed opinion known Commie Crow.

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 03:56:54:PM
I can't wait until we make paying taxes a requirement in addition to the requirements we already have to be eligible to vote.

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 04:38:31:PM
When Leftists state that black people are too stupid and lazy to acquire ID they are proving themselves to be racist!

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 10, 24, 04:41:12:PM
Actually, they are proving they think cheating is necessary.

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 04:43:58:PM
That has always been the case!

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 06 10, 24, 05:15:09:PM
TRU-MORON looks at the handful of people that can't figure out what millions of other Normal People are able to do on a daily basis.

TRU-MORON thinks that if ONE low IQ person cannot navigate the modern world, the ENTIRE system MUST be changed to accommodate
    the special needs of that ONE person.

TRU-MORON forgets that there are such things as Community Organizers (like SOBama was in the day) that have the job of doing
    the mundane tasks of getting things like Free readily available State ID's for people that have difficulty doing things like tying
    their shoes.

TRU-MORON thinks that there is NO SUCH THING as PERSONAL RESPOSIBILTY and that the majority of people can just sit back and
    have EVERYTHING done FOR THEM because some tiny bit of effort might be involved with figuring things out for themselves.

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 06 10, 24, 05:49:57:PM
That's the problem with LibTards/Leftists/Dem-Commies/neo-Marxists...

They think they are SO much smarter than everyone else in the World and they need to have all things done FOR the unwashed masses
    because the masses are TOO IGNORANT and UNABLE to do anything for themselves.

Well, many of those ignorant people ARE that way because they are NEVER required to figure ANYTHING out for themselves.

The neo-Marxists LIKE it that way because it perpetuates the situation!!

If the Dem-Commies/LibTards/Leftists/neo-Marxists keep the unwashed masses ignorant, it guarantees the power structure over
    those ignorant people.

It is TOTALLY like the society we see in George Orwell's "1984". Big Brother does everything for everyone and the total power of
    the Govt is ultimate and everlasting and guaranteed. The population is completely enslaved and doesn't even realize it because
    Big Brother reminds them 24/7 about how "free" they are.

Now you can see where the Democrats are taking us!

Meanwhile, they constantly are saying that the Republicans (Trump) are a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 07:35:14:PM
What he said!

Title: Re: Democrats in Shock
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 12:38:35:PM
When you believe your own propaganda, you are doomed to fail!

Democrats are doomed to fail!