All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jim on 06 09, 24, 05:11:14:PM

Title: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: Jim on 06 09, 24, 05:11:14:PM
Biden’s inner circle deeply involved with family’s business dealings
The president has distanced himself from his family's business ventures

President Biden has long attempted to distance himself from his family’s business dealings as he ran for and eventually became president, but a new report details just how involved those in the president’s inner circle have been in Biden family ventures.
Biden has shared a personal bookkeeper with this son, Hunter Biden, a personal lawyer with this brother, Jim Biden, and the former head of then-Vice President Biden’s Secret Service detail helped Jim Biden investigate a potential Chinese business partner, according to a report from Politico.
While the Bidens have long said they observe strict "firewalls" when it comes to discussing business with each other, the Politico report details just how involved those in the president’s orbit have been in dealings with Hunter and Jim Biden.
In one case, the president’s brother, Jim Biden, hired the head of the former vice president’s Secret Service detail, Dale Pupillo, to investigate a Chinese executive the president’s son, Hunter Biden, was traveling to meet in 2017.

Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: Truman62 on 06 09, 24, 05:13:54:PM
And yet you IGNORED the Nepotism and Corruption of the tRump Administration!


Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: wvit1001 on 06 09, 24, 05:16:23:PM
I'm still waiting to see some instances of something illegal that the MAGA goofs have their panties in a wad over. 

Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: Truman62 on 06 09, 24, 05:18:25:PM
Sure thing.  They have to dig the proof out from under Rudy's bed, but should have it in...


Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: D2D on 06 09, 24, 05:44:01:PM
You cannot ignore what doesn't exist!

Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: gwboolean on 06 09, 24, 06:37:04:PM
One thing for sure MAGA-Commies.  You won't be able to ignore the retribution that is coming your way after November. (

Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: Truman62 on 06 09, 24, 06:47:36:PM
So you are saying that Jared Kushner's access to $2 Billion does NOT exist?

DvD is drinking early today.

Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 10:43:38:AM
As you can see, the board's  Trump derangement is strong today!

Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: gwboolean on 06 10, 24, 10:47:23:AM
As you can see, the MAGA-Commies Syphilitic Derangement Syndrome is strong today.  Their Russian programmers have been working overtime to update their SDS virus packets with new infections. (

Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 10:51:47:AM
You are such a good monkey!

Title: Re: Biden’s inner circle deeply involved
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 12:07:12:PM
Beijing Biden is surrounded by his corrupt peers all seeking to use him to satisfy their petty and grasping ambitions!