All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: chuck_curtis on 06 05, 24, 06:27:43:PM

Title: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: chuck_curtis on 06 05, 24, 06:27:43:PM
The Georgia Court of Appeal ordered on June 5 a stay on all proceedings in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s case against former President Donald Trump and eight codefendants, challenging the district attorney’s ability to prosecute the case.

“The proceedings below in the Superior Court of Fulton County are hereby stayed pending the outcome of these appeals,”  reads an order by the court clerk, citing a Georgia Supreme Court case ordering the stay of criminal case proceedings during an interlocutory review.

This comes as the court has agreed to review whether Ms. Willis should be disqualified.

The appeals court on June 4 set a hearing in October for former President Donald Trump’s appeal of a Fulton County judge’s decision not to disqualify prosecutor Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

The defendants were notified to file their brief by June 23, and the district attorney has 20 days after that to file a reply brief. Oral arguments will take place before a three-judge panel.
In March, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ruled that while there was an appearance of impropriety, disqualification was not necessary. However, he acknowledged he was in novel legal territory and allowed defendants to appeal his decision to a higher court. The appeals court agreed to review the ruling last month.

While the trial court judge had ruled that he could continue to hear motions and issue rulings in the interim, that will now come to a stop.

Whether Ms. Willis and her office remain on the case is likely the deciding factor in whether the case will be tried at all.

Poor commies.  LOL

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: D2D on 06 05, 24, 09:13:15:PM
Democrats will crap their pants over this!

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: D2D on 06 06, 24, 06:39:04:PM
Isn't that sad?

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: D2D on 06 06, 24, 11:11:19:PM
Democrats are the party of corruption!

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: D2D on 06 08, 24, 01:09:40:PM
Democrats are the anti-justice party!

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: D2D on 06 09, 24, 12:56:13:PM

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: omiaqt on 06 09, 24, 05:45:11:PM
With mutt Biden in charge:


Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: D2D on 06 09, 24, 06:18:19:PM
Xi is proud of his protege Beijing Biden!

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: gwboolean on 06 09, 24, 06:35:58:PM
It looks like, after November, when we take over that we will have to revisit Georgia and their efforts to derail the trial against these traitors who tried to overthrow our government and make Putin's Pussy our dictator.

Retribution time commies! 

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: Truman62 on 06 09, 24, 06:40:41:PM
tRump is grasping at any piece of wood that floats along.


Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: Truman62 on 06 09, 24, 06:48:45:PM
When will we get a resolution?


Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: D2D on 06 10, 24, 10:42:14:AM
tRump is grasping at any piece of wood that floats along.

If you are already floating as the person in the photo, why would he need a piece of wood?

Title: Re: GA lawfare delayed pending outcome of Fani's misconduct
Post by: D2D on 06 11, 24, 12:13:43:PM
No answer as expected!