All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: dont-blameme on 06 01, 24, 08:16:17:AM

Title: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that was
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 01, 24, 08:16:17:AM
allied to the Nazi regime and supplied military personnell to guard jewish prisoners at Polands Nazi death camps?

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 08:36:16:AM
Which county would that be and does the government that did that still exist?

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 01, 24, 08:46:20:AM
That my friend would be Ukraine? What would that government do today defend it's self from russia like they and the Nazi done in WW2.

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 01, 24, 08:53:03:AM
Except the Nazi's aren't here today! Well maybe in a way they are!

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 08:54:43:AM
Except Ukraine was part of the USSR at the time and could do nothing without the express permission of Stalin!

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 01, 24, 09:00:21:AM
True but they were still part of the murder of the murder of jews in Polands death camps run by nazies and guarded by Ukaine soldiers. The excuse could be offered "well they had no choice" there's always a choice when murder is involved.

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 09:05:13:AM
Do you know what the Ukrainians had gone through in the ten years before WWII?

Mass murder under Stalin!

Not a quick death but death by starvation, relocation, and work camps in the wastes of Siberia!

Stalin murdered 4 to 8 million Ukrainians!

Imagine watching as your starving neighbors ate their children to survive!

You would gladly join the Nazis!

After all, the Nazis were choir boys compared to the Soviets!

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 09:13:52:AM
It is happening, again! 

In Nations like Sri Lanka, where farmers were being forced by their government not to grow food, in order to fight "Global Warming"!

Fortunately, the people of that nation revolted against their leftist masters!

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 01, 24, 09:41:47:AM
Excelent points DVD everyone has suffered under socialism/communiusm and it continues today openly and really unchecked thanks to politics that prevented it's spread and American politics shares in the guilt.

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: warrenpees on 06 01, 24, 11:34:05:AM
It's always hard to tell what you are trying to say, lumpy, but it appears that you are trying to justify being a tool for Putin.

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: takncarabizniz on 06 01, 24, 11:42:38:AM
I have said it from the beginning...Ukraine and Russia are cut from the same cloth.  Neither should be trusted, neither deserve our funding or support.

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: Jw2 on 06 01, 24, 11:48:28:AM
Ukraine was part of the USSR then.

Same could be said for our NATO allies Poland, Romania, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania. 

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 12:07:26:PM
Not true!

Learn history!

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 12:10:47:PM

Democrats really enjoy harming Americans!

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 12:34:55:PM
As you can see the dark red portion of the map is the Soviet Union in 1938!

The slightly lighter red is comprised of nations taken during the Soviet/Nazi invasion of Poland!

It wasn't until the end of WWII that the pink part of the map was taken by the Soviets!

The orange portion consisted of the occupied zones negotiated with their WWII allies!

Allies they promptly turned on necessitating the Berlin airlift!

The orange part of Poland was controlled by the Nazis while the other portion was controlled by the Soviets in 1940!

The Russians still haven't returned the territory they took from Finland in their 1938 war of aggression!

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 01, 24, 01:56:37:PM
DVD I still can't support giving finicial aid and weapons to Ukraine I don't this clownthat is their president I feel that he will say and do what ever it takes to milk everydollar possible from the USA, plus there is always the thought that they may be blackmailing biden for his actions and doings while VP.

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: Truman62 on 06 01, 24, 02:03:12:PM
Balmie is such a simple soul that is easily manipulated by FOX's speculation and rumor mill.

Why do you want Ukraine to fall?  Would you sit back while Poland was taken down as well?
Where do you draw the line with Russia, or is it ONLY if they land men on American beaches?
If we let Putin take over all of Europe, then take over Canada, America would be next.
And if that happens you can blame yourself for doing NOTHING while the world suffered/fell.

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: dont-blameme on 06 01, 24, 02:23:07:PM
There is a reason why you are on ignore 62 and it's not the fact of your confusion not knowing your sex. See if you can figure it out, if so then you'll know what your biggest problem is.

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 02:38:45:PM
As you can see, Truman's reputation for being an ignorant tool is well-earned!

Title: Re: Should the United States fund and supply arms to a country that wa
Post by: D2D on 06 01, 24, 02:41:47:PM
DVD I still can't support giving finicial aid and weapons to Ukraine I don't this clownthat is their president I feel that he will say and do what ever it takes to milk everydollar possible from the USA, plus there is always the thought that they may be blackmailing biden for his actions and doings while VP.
Blackmail is a distinct possibility however Russia invaded Ukraine several times without any justification other than territorial greed!

This is the same as Germany's invasion of Poland or the USSR's invasion of Finland!

Both were bloody sneak attacks in violation of international law!