All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 07:45:23:AM

Title: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 07:45:23:AM
The NAFTA treaty was a Republican initiative signed by George H.W. Bush.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: lakitss on 05 13, 24, 08:49:34:AM
Let's not.

Let's focus on why Biden is an unmitigated fuck up, and anti-American piece of shit letting our sovereignty be destroyed at the border.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 11:52:57:AM
I see you can be ignorant on a variety of issues, laktard.  Has the Putin-Trump Party approached you about running for Congress?

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: gwboolean on 05 13, 24, 12:00:15:PM
Don't forget all of the agreements that sent millions of high paying American jobs to China.  The Republican Communists even sent complete industries there.  When Reagan came into office the US was the largest chip maker in the world.  Within the first 4 years Reagan had managed to ship the entire industry to China, who now supplies all of the chips in America.

Should we also talk about the $60 Trillion debt the Republican Communist ran up stealing our countries money and giving it to the Republican Communist elites... I guess I already did.

How about the war that the republican Communists started lost and left to America for 20 years at a cost of thousands of American lives and over $10 Trillion.

How about the Trump Wuhan Virus that Putin's Pussy and the MAGA-Commies used to kill over 2 million Americans?

How about the attempt to steal an election and when that failed turned into an insurrection to make Putin's Pussy our dictator?

Some of their greatest hits! (

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: lakitss on 05 13, 24, 12:01:00:PM
LOL, just curious, how much does the DNC pay you to spew out this liberal slop everyday?

NOBODY can be this gullible, and fastidious for free to a lost cause.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 05 13, 24, 12:07:03:PM
If BJCLinton signed it NAFTA, WHICH HE DID !then as Ross Perot said, “you’ll hear a giant sucking sound of American jobs going south and north across the borders !  Americans lost jobs because of to the serial sex offender impeached and disgraced mass murderer BJCLinton did to the country!

But when you don’t earn but are on the government dole like JW here, all that matters not ! (

JW shows off his ignorance again here while stupidity accusing his betters of the same !

What a moron !

Now let’s get back to reality ….

Let's focus on why Biden is an unmitigated fuck up, and anti-American piece of shit letting our sovereignty be destroyed at the border.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Dan on 05 13, 24, 12:09:30:PM
The NAFTA treaty was signed by George H.W. Bush


Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 12:13:32:PM
JW must be one of your voices.

Do your homework, Trump worshippers.

Title: Let's dredge up another firestorm of Leftist ignorance.
Post by: Dan on 05 13, 24, 12:17:03:PM
How about this:
The Americans with Disabilities Act was a democrat idea signed by Bill Clinton.

Or this:
Capital Gains Tax Cuts were a Republican idea signed by George W. Bush

Or this:
The Environmental Protection Agency was a democrat idea signed by Jimmy Carter

Or this:
Slashing welfare benefits was a Republican idea signed by Ronald Reagan

Or this:
Amnesty for illegal aliens was a democrat idea signed by Barack Obama

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of tleftists DemoncRats ignoranc
Post by: sine-qua-non on 05 13, 24, 12:33:28:PM
Mr Pee or JW here, to ignorant uninformed commies trying to look informed !

Bwahahahahahaha (

Fyi then to educate the ignorant false history posters here …

President Clinton signs supplemental agreements to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) ceremony in the East Room of the White House on September 14, 1993.

Clinton Digital Library

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 05 13, 24, 12:34:05:PM


Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Dan on 05 13, 24, 01:03:09:PM
Warren tried to see how many people would believe his false statement.

Did we pass your test, Warren?

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 01:13:48:PM
Do your homework, Trump worshippers.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 05 13, 24, 01:31:03:PM
Apparently Mr Pee here is stuck on stupid and won’t repent for his obvious BS that he revels in posting here !

It must really suck to be such an ignorant commie but then, that’s how they roll (

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 05 13, 24, 01:43:39:PM

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 01:44:58:PM
It's so easy, even you Trump worshippers should be able to do it:

Google:  George H.W. Bush NAFTA

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of DemoncRats Commies ignorance.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 05 13, 24, 01:48:43:PM
Put down the FAKE commie version of history Mr Pee if you want to be deemed credible here for a change ! (

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 02:02:56:PM
It's so easy, even you Trump worshippers should be able to do it:

Google:  George H.W. Bush NAFTA

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 02:11:52:PM
Are trumpies able to use the googles?

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Dan on 05 13, 24, 03:06:43:PM
Do your homework.

I thought we did.  That's how we know you were wrong about Bush 41 signing NAFTA.  It was actually Clinton. (

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Dan on 05 13, 24, 03:09:11:PM
It's so easy, even you should be able to do it

We did. (

Google: George H.W. Bush NAFTA

George H.W. Bush NAFTA - Google Search (

Al Gore called Rush Limbaugh a "Great American" for supporting NAFTA.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Truman62 on 05 13, 24, 03:43:14:PM
And yet GWHB did ALL the work to get it done, but fell just short.

Being a political gentleman, Clinton signed it for Bush.
Had it been Trump, all that work would have been for naught.
NAFTA has had some bumps, but Texas has made out like a
bandit, since IH-35 runs the majority of trucks in and out of
Mexico.  Lots of highway reconstruction, Truck stops, etc...

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 04:16:00:PM
The NAFTA treaty was a Republican initiative signed by George H.W. Bush.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 13, 24, 04:23:42:PM

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of DemoncRats ignorance.
Post by: sine-qua-non on 05 13, 24, 09:13:32:PM
Today, President Trump is signing his historic USMCA deal, making good on his promise to deliver fairer and more reciprocal trade for the American people.

USMCA will replace the terrible NAFTA agreement that resulted in the loss of millions of American jobs and devastated communities across our country.

Which US president signed NAFTA into law brainly?
Bill Clinton NAFTA was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1993. This agreement aimed to eliminate trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, promoting economic cooperation and increasing trade between the three countries.

Why did NAFTA fail?
The 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was the first trade treaty that attempted to promote and protect workplace health and safety through a "labor side agreement." NAFTA failed to protect workers' health and safety due to the weaknesses of the side agreement's text; the political and diplomatic ...

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 14, 24, 04:38:36:AM
The NAFTA treaty was signed on December 17, 1992.

Who was the US President in 1992?

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 14, 24, 04:47:41:AM
Mikey is a special needs person but he has offered to help you trumpies Google:   George H.W. Bush NAFTA.


Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Jw2 on 05 14, 24, 05:27:47:AM
Trump, MTG and other MAGAnutz do, correctly, blame George W. Bush and Dickless Cheney and RINOs for lying us into invading Iraq.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: D2D on 05 14, 24, 12:46:12:PM

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Dan on 05 14, 24, 01:11:55:PM
And yet GWHB did ALL the work to get it done, but fell just short.

Being a political gentleman, Clinton signed it for Bush.

LOL!  Clinton was a strong advocate for it.  Clinton is/was no gentleman.  Clinton had to fight his own democrat party.

NAFTA was Reagan’s idea.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Dan on 05 14, 24, 01:12:46:PM
The NAFTA treaty was … signed by George H.W. Bush.


Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: D2D on 05 14, 24, 01:42:08:PM

Before sending it to the United States Senate (, Clinton added two side agreements, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation ( (NAAEC), to protect workers and the environment, and to also allay the concerns of many House members. The U.S. required its partners to adhere to environmental practices and regulations similar to its own.[citation needed (]

After much consideration and emotional discussion, the U.S. House of Representatives ( passed the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act on November 17, 1993, 234–200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans ( and 102 Democrats ( The bill passed the Senate on November 20, 1993, 61–38.[20] ( Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Republican Representative David Dreier ( of California (, a strong proponent of NAFTA since the Reagan administration (, played a leading role in mobilizing support for the agreement among Republicans in Congress ( and across the country.[21] ([22] (
Chicago ( Congressman Luis Gutiérrez ( in particular was a vocal opponent of NAFTA, ultimately voting against the measure because of what he considered its failure to sufficiently provide for displaced worker retraining, protections against American job loss, and protections of collective bargaining ( rights for Mexican workers.[23] ( He criticized the role of Rahm Emanuel ( in particular for the deficiencies.[24] (

The U.S. required its partners to adhere to environmental practices and regulations similar to its own.[25] (

Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.[26] ([27] ( At the signing ceremony (, Clinton recognized four individuals for their efforts in accomplishing the historic trade deal: Vice President Al Gore (, Chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisers ( Laura Tyson (, Director of the National Economic Council ( Robert Rubin (, and Republican Congressman David Dreier ([28] ( Clinton also stated that "NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement."[29] ( NAFTA replaced the previous Canada-US FTA.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: warrenpees on 05 14, 24, 03:33:48:PM
The NAFTA treaty was a Republican initiative signed by George H.W. Bush.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 05 14, 24, 03:37:14:PM

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: D2D on 05 14, 24, 05:02:51:PM

Democrats are racists!

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Jw2 on 05 14, 24, 05:33:06:PM
It's an indictment of the education system in this nation that almost 40% of the voters think the orange turd was a good president.

His actions leading up to and including 1/6 should be reason enough to disqualify him from every running as president.

Open violations of the hatch act
Open violations of the emoluments clause
Openly accepting bribes from foreign nations for policy decisions
Outright grifting a Mar a lard ass
Stealing classified documents
Showing off the nuclear football
Released thousands of Taliban from prison.

Just the plain stupidity of his press conferences...
Throwing paper towels in PR.
Nuking hurricanes
Extending hurricane tracks with a sharpie
Injecting bleach and disinfectants
Shoving UV lights in the body
Telling California to rake the forest (the federal parks btw)
Horse paste
Siding with Putin over our national security departments

Fuhrer Trump is a jackass and a world embarrassment.

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: D2D on 05 14, 24, 06:05:59:PM
Jw2 everything you listed is what Beijing Biden is guilty of not President Trump!

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Jw2 on 05 14, 24, 10:29:09:PM

Title: Re: Let's dredge up another firestorm of trumpie ignorance.
Post by: Dan on 05 15, 24, 01:27:26:PM
Jw2 everything you listed is what Beijing Biden is guilty of

Yep!  Biden is a total disaster.