All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: seahooker on 05 10, 24, 12:24:34:PM

Title: Has anyone seen a UFO?
Post by: seahooker on 05 10, 24, 12:24:34:PM
Saw my first possible siting last night.

Title: Re: Has anyone seen a UFO?
Post by: gwboolean on 05 10, 24, 12:45:06:PM
Never seen anything that I would identify as a UFO.  Personally, I figure that if we are able to see UFO's and they are real then we are probably in deep Kimchi.

Title: Re: Has anyone seen a UFO?
Post by: Dan on 05 10, 24, 12:48:28:PM
Almost every day.  Is it an A300 or a 737?  Many times I can’t tell.

Title: Re: Has anyone seen a UFO?
Post by: seahooker on 05 10, 24, 12:58:38:PM
I live less than 40 miles from Vandenberg space force base. I was watching the launch last night of a Falcon 9 rocket. The launch is almost due south of me.  A red light caught my attention to my southeast which at first I thought it was a plane coming into the local airport. Then it got a little strange. It look like a straight line of reds lights, 4 or 5, very high up. Then they went out, they came back on further along a path. This happened several times until they were almost over head. The lights hovered high above me for a minute or two and then went out with nothing to be seen after that.
It was interesting to say the very least.