All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wvit1001 on 05 09, 24, 11:58:28:AM

Title: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from voting
Post by: wvit1001 on 05 09, 24, 11:58:28:AM
Mike Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from voting even though it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections

He says he knows “intuitively” that non-citizens are voting in federal elections but then admits that he can’t “prove” it

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: wvit1001 on 05 09, 24, 11:59:34:AM
I know 'intuitively' that Mike Johnson fucks small furry mammals, but I know I can't 'prove' it.

It's the norm for most religious people though. Their entire culture and worldview is completely fabricated and without evidence, so therefore, the only evidence they need is if it "seems right" or "feels good".

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: Dan on 05 09, 24, 12:00:25:PM
There’s also a law against vandalizing veterans monuments.  But that doesn’t get endorsed either. (

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: lakitss on 05 09, 24, 12:03:19:PM
Pass all the fucking laws you want, but until they're actively enforced, they are useless.

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: wvit1001 on 05 09, 24, 12:03:34:PM
is deflection really all you can muster dan?

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: wvit1001 on 05 09, 24, 12:04:00:PM
what laws aren't being enforced lacky?

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: Truman62 on 05 09, 24, 12:44:52:PM
What a waste of time and effort, since rules already prevent this from happening.

A full blown report in Texas said that it found many foreign nationals voting, but
it was later found to have flawed data, since nobody checked the records.

The foreign nationals KNEW they could not vote, and waited patiently for their
citizenship to be approved before voting.  They did NOT vote before for fear of
messing up their naturalization process.

On 27 February 2019, the Associated Press reported that U.S. District Judge Fred Biery of San Antonio blocked the removal of any voters and, according to his ruling, only 80 of the original 98,000 names on the list had been identified as ineligible to vote.

Even today the Texas Sec of State is keeping an eye out for illegal voters but
is having trouble finding any of them

Elong Musk is doing his part to stoke the flames of misinformation.


Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson yesterday issued a statement debunking claims of widespread voter fraud that were amplified by X owner Elon Musk on the social network formerly named Twitter. Election officials in two other states also disputed the "extremely false" information shared by Musk.

Musk is generally a big fan of Texas, but on Tuesday he shared a post by the account "End Wokeness" that claimed, "The number of voters registering without a photo ID is SKYROCKETING in 3 key swing states: Arizona, Texas, and Pennsylvania." The account claimed there were 1.25 million such registrations in Texas since the beginning of 2024, over 580,000 in Pennsylvania, and over 220,000 in Arizona.

So if he is WRONG in Texas, he is probably WRONG in Pennsylvania and Arizona too.

When did Pennsylvania become a hotbed of illegal voting?

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: Dan on 05 09, 24, 12:48:19:PM
is deflection really all you can muster

I was making a point.  Did you not understand it?

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: gwboolean on 05 09, 24, 01:14:12:PM
Why would a bill to ban non-citizens from voting be required?  You MAGA-Commies already proved that few, if any, non-citizens are voting.

Can you explain why you MAGA-Commies want to pass a bill that is already law for a problem that does not exist?

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: Truman62 on 05 09, 24, 01:16:41:PM
When will the GOP House pass a National leash law for dogs?


Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: takncarabizniz on 05 09, 24, 01:21:54:PM
There has to be some meat to any bill that will actually be enforceable and enforced.  Problem with laws is they are ignored and our justice system doesn't hold people accountable.

There are many municipalities now allowing non-citizens a "voice" in local elections.  Do I agree?  Hell no.  If you want to be part of the fabric of this nation, then come here legally, and become a citizen.  If our nation truly cared about remaining a world power, they would require and stop this nonsense of tip-toeing around the illegal alien and non-citizen issue.  Non-citizen caught casting a ballot in America?  Immediate expulsion, and cut off federal election funding to that state, which is supposed to vet all its voter registrations.

I think Johnson and Congress need to tackle things like making E-verify mandatory for any employer in the US, whether foreign or domestically owned.  I think they need to clarify the 14th amendment so that only the child of 2 citizen parents has birthright citizenship.  Any child born in this nation to illegals is considered an illegal themselves, and that's even if only one parent is illegal.  I think they need to truly tackle border security, all borders, and make illegal entry mandatory expulsion after fingerprinting and photo ID is done.  I think they need to scrap welfare and put all able-bodied Americans to work, just like we did after the depression.  I think they need to stop foreign ownership of housing, development, and industry. 

And so many other things that would stop the bleed and help this nation regain its footing.

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: Jw2 on 05 09, 24, 01:27:46:PM
since youse people wanted the government to enforce laws...

Criminal proceedings in the January 6 United States (

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: wvit1001 on 05 09, 24, 01:28:56:PM
so if you want foreign ownership of housing and industry illegal then does that make Americans investing in foriegn countries criminals tcb?

money is mixed and companies operate on a worldwide scale.  How would our foriegn ownership ban work?

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: chuck_curtis on 05 09, 24, 01:29:45:PM
The House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to pass a measure that would add a citizenship question to the next U.S. census, as part of the latest efforts by conservatives to “protect America’s democracy and electoral integrity.”

The legislation, known as the “Equal Representation Act,” was led by Rep. Chuck Edwards, (R-N.C.), who spoke on the floor Wednesday regarding the need to ensure only American citizens are counted when apportioning congressional seats and Electoral College votes.

It passed in a vote of 206-202 along party lines.

The measure would direct the Census Bureau to add a question to the once-a-decade census asking whether or not the respondent is a citizen of the United States. It asks that only citizens be considered when determining how many lawmakers each state gets in the House of Representatives, as well as how many Electoral College votes each of the 50 states receives.

The measure creates new reporting requirements for data gathered from the citizenship question, noting that “the citizenship makeup of the population in the United States is a basic data point that should be available to U.S. policymakers, and the decennial census questionnaire is the best way to obtain such detailed information on citizenship status.”

The next decennial census is set to take place in 2030.

“Though commonsense dictates that only citizens should be counted for apportionment purposes, illegal aliens have nonetheless recently been counted toward the final tallies that determine how many House seats each state is allocated and the number of electoral votes it will wield in presidential elections,” Mr. Edwards said in remarks on the floor on Wednesday.

“And since the illegal alien population is not evenly distributed throughout the nation, American citizens in some states are losing representation in Congress to illegal aliens in other states, ” he added.

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: Dan on 05 09, 24, 01:31:26:PM
youse people wanted the government to enforce laws

Yes.  We want the government to enforce the laws that were broken during the 600+ BLM/Anteefa riots n 2020. (

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: gwboolean on 05 09, 24, 01:32:59:PM
Laws are ignored and the justice system doesn't hold people accountable!!

So how is making a new law that is the same as the previous going to change that dynamic you hold to be true.

There are many municipalities allowing non-citizens to vote!

That is completely false.  As for your MAGA-Commie gibberish about fabric, legally becoming a citizen, yatta, yatta... that too is a lie.  (

The fact is that most, if not all, of the illegals in our municipalities were trafficked there by Republican Communists and MAGA-Commies to attack Americans.  If we want to solve the illegal problem, we need to first put an end to the MAGA-Commies trafficking them into our cities.

The Republican Communists also added a question to the census to protect America's democracy and electoral integrity!

Is that what your Russian commie masters call that Commie Curtis?

We want the laws enforced that were broken during the riots in 2020

They were.  I guess you were too busy to notice that Gaslight Dan. (

Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: chuck_curtis on 05 09, 24, 01:34:07:PM
The House Speaker Mike Johnson held a press conference at 11:00 a.m. ET on May 8 on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, legislation led by Congressman Chip Roy(R-Texas) in the House and Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) in the Senate.  It would require proof of American citizenship to register to vote in federal elections.


Title: Re: Johnson says he is introducing a bill to ban non-citizens from vot
Post by: wvit1001 on 05 09, 24, 01:35:14:PM
trump's own son and daughter run an investment company that was started with $3 billion from the Saudis.  Should that company be banned from investing US interests?

Affinity Partners is an American investment firm, based in Miami, Florida. It was formed in 2021 by Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law who also served as a senior advisor during Trump's presidency. The firm has a focus on investing in American and Israeli companies. Its sources of funding are overwhelmingly from the Saudi Arabian government.