All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: seahooker on 05 08, 24, 03:08:21:PM

Title: there was a time
Post by: seahooker on 05 08, 24, 03:08:21:PM
When journalism separated "news" reporting from opinion. The newspaper or station could be strongly pro democrat or republican, but they reported the "news" as it actually was. They expressed their opinions or biased in what is called an editorial.
Not like that anymore!

Title: Re: there was a time
Post by: D2D on 05 08, 24, 03:19:48:PM
Journalism was pronounced completely dead in the legacy media the moment Trump announced his candidacy!

Title: There was a time for us to wander
Post by: pacifica on 05 08, 24, 03:51:44:PM
He is 100% PRO USA. God speed 2024
Sea, journalism needs our roots back.
My parents from Canada came legally in '56.

Title: Re: there was a time
Post by: D2D on 05 08, 24, 04:19:02:PM
I had forgotten that episode!

Leftists will recoil in horror as one of the characters was (gasp) smoking!

Title: Re: there was a time
Post by: gwboolean on 05 08, 24, 07:14:09:PM
Well Seahooker, I can see your dilemma. 

When people, like the MAGA-Commies here, determine their moral, cultural and even religious values based on something like an episode of a TV show from 1962 (or there abouts) that was nothing like any real place in America (although it was a great show and I still watch it because of the vibe it gives).  The only thing that matters with news coverage that is factual, whatever the leanings are.  Whether or not the news is factual is rather easy to determine, but if you are choosing your facts base on your feelings then boy, you got something that needs fixing.

Title: Re: there was a time
Post by: D2D on 05 09, 24, 06:31:25:AM
Only Democrats base their morals, culture, and religion on TV shows!