All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jw2 on 05 07, 24, 11:44:29:PM

Title: Over 180,000 votes for Niki Haley in Indiana Primary today
Post by: Jw2 on 05 07, 24, 11:44:29:PM

Donald J. Trump  461,663 78.3%    

Nikki Haley  128,168  21.7%   

MAGA...try and pay attention.

Title: Re: Over 180,000 votes for Niki Haley in Indiana Primary today
Post by: Dan on 05 08, 24, 01:08:31:PM
Trump won in a huge landslide.  Yeah, we know. (

Title: Re: Over 180,000 votes for Niki Haley in Indiana Primary today
Post by: lakitss on 05 08, 24, 01:15:57:PM
Almost 200k votes pissed away.. retarded.

Title: Re: Over 180,000 votes for Niki Haley in Indiana Primary today
Post by: Jw2 on 05 08, 24, 01:28:09:PM
youse two can burry your heads in the sand.

your attempt to diminish the message - that 1/5th of Republicans, when given a chance, voted against Fuhrer Trump, even though Haley left the race over two months ago.

The Orange Insurrectionist needs every vote he can get.

Former Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has announced he will not vote for Donald Trump:

“Character is too important to me—and the presidency is a job that requires the kind of character that he just doesn’t have.”

Title: Re: Over 180,000 votes for Niki Haley in Indiana Primary today
Post by: Dan on 05 08, 24, 02:01:01:PM
youse two can burry your heads in the sand.

What are you talking about?  We fully concede that Trump won in a huge landslide.

The patriot Insurrectionist 

What insurrection?  He was already president. (

needs every vote he can get.

Nah.  He’s up by 10%.
Former Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has announced he will not vote for Donald Trump

I told ya he was a liberal.

“Character is too important to me”

He won’t be voting for Biden then.

Title: Re: Over 180,000 votes for Niki Haley in Indiana Primary today
Post by: gwboolean on 05 08, 24, 06:54:23:PM
Putin's Pussy won in a huge landslide!!!

If you believe that Putin's Pussy can win that state with over 20% of the voter's voting against him, Gaslight Dan.  Putin's Pussy is going to lose more than a few Red States.  You can add Indiana to that list.  Sounds like a lot of the people in Indiana don't want this criminal rapist and insurrectionist in the presidency anymore. 

What insurrection?

Since we will be writing the history Gaslight Dan, we have already determine what insurrection. 

You really should consider treatment for your SDS Gaslight Dan.  What are you MAGA-Commies going to do when/if Putin's Pussy looses?  It would not be smart to play the insurrection card again Gaslight Dan... just sayin.

Putin's Pussy can afford to throw away votes.  He's up by 10%!!!

Then this should be an easy win for Putin's Pussy Gaslight Dan.  You thought the fix was in last time Gaslight Dan, and how has that worked out for you MAGA-Commies and Putin's Pussy? (