All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: gwboolean on 05 06, 24, 11:55:02:AM

Title: Another surprise!!!
Post by: gwboolean on 05 06, 24, 11:55:02:AM
The NK missiles the Russians have been using in Ukraine have turned up some interesting results.  It turns out that many of the parts in their missiles come from American Republican Communist party run companies.

Can any of you MAGA-Commies explain why you MAGA-Commies are supplying parts for North Korean missiles used by the Russian against the Ukraine?

Title: Re: Another surprise!!!
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 05 06, 24, 12:55:51:PM

Title: Re: Another surprise!!!
Post by: gwboolean on 05 06, 24, 03:55:39:PM
We fully understand that you MAGA-Commies don't care Comrade Wavy.  We knew you MAGA-Commies didn't care when you and Putin's Pussy obtained a bioweapon from your Chinese allies and murdered over 2 million Americans with it.

After this year, no one is going to care, about you MAGA-Commie perverts.  BTW, still distributing that child porn?  Please don't ask me to be a character witness for you when the arrest you Comrade Wavy.

Title: Re: Another surprise!!!
Post by: chuck_curtis on 05 06, 24, 03:58:19:PM
This helps Brandon keep his endless war going.  He wants no peace deal there.

Title: Re: Another surprise!!!
Post by: gwboolean on 05 06, 24, 07:48:56:PM
Biden wants to keep the endless war against Russia going!

Yes Commie Curtis he does.  There is no peace until your Russian commie masters are removed from the country they invaded.

The only endless war that America has had was the war that you MAGA-Commies started, lost and left America after 20 years, thousands of American lives and over $10 Trillion.  It was finally ended by Putin's Pussy when he turned Afghanistan over to your Hamas/Taliban brothers and left $Billions worth of American military equipment that is now being used to kill more Americans.

And best of all, Americans are not dying to deal with your Russian masters Commie Curtis.  (

Title: Re: Another surprise!!!
Post by: Jim on 05 06, 24, 08:37:08:PM
American Republican Communist party run companies.
There is no such thing as a Republican Communist nor a Communist Republican. 
You have your Partys confused. You are thinking of the Democratic Communist Party.
But since we're here why don't you list whatever Republican Companies you think is supplying missile parts.
Can you do so without Lying?

Title: Re: Another surprise!!!
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 05 10, 24, 11:58:55:AM

Title: Re: Another surprise!!!
Post by: gwboolean on 05 10, 24, 01:00:09:PM
There is no such thing as a Republican Communist!!!

That has been proven to be false Comrade Crow.  The alliance between Putin's Pussy, the Republican Communist party, MAGA-Commies have long ago been proven.  And I do not mind proving it again, if you desire.

What American companies are supplying missile parts?

Those are easily identified by the parts themselves Comrade Crow.  Are you truly that stupid?  However, I can look them up and tell you if you are incapable of doing so Comrade Crow.

I do, in some ways, admire how you MAGA-Commies were able to redistribute nearly $60 Trillion of American wealth to Republican Communist elites and create our entire national debt then try to blame it on what you mistakenly call socialist policies that you claim must be stopped to pay for your socialist redistribution of the wealth of our country.  You MAGA-Commies had a long run with that (40 years) before that too blew up in your face.

I also find it interesting that your MAGA-Commie AI, Comrade WhINO is still trying to pass off Russian commie gaslight, sans the faked Russian child pornography he previously posted.  Nothing illegal about that.  Just criminally stupid.

Title: Re: Another surprise!!!
Post by: Truman62 on 05 10, 24, 01:04:47:PM