All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: zsq987 on 05 04, 24, 05:56:14:PM

Title: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!!!!!
Post by: zsq987 on 05 04, 24, 05:56:14:PM
How do you "celebrate" The National Day of Prayer WITHOUT mentioning GOD or JESUS? ? ? ? ?

Biden is a TOTAL POS!!!

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: D2D on 05 05, 24, 03:05:10:AM
Democrats insist you should be praying to the government as the government is god!

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: zsq987 on 05 07, 24, 03:32:17:PM

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: gwboolean on 05 07, 24, 05:01:46:PM
Comrade Zitboy seems to believe that Biden must say a prayer on national prayer day and then he runs an ad for Putin's Pussy, who never prayed on national prayer day and sells fake bibles.

These KKKristians should read the Bible and not Putin's Pussy's fake bible (Mein Kampf).

Had they read the Bible, they would know that God commanded that his followers are NOT to publicly display your devotion to God.

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: D2D on 05 07, 24, 07:00:28:PM

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: gwboolean on 05 07, 24, 10:10:57:PM
Commies that steal over $50 Trillion from our government and give it to the Republican Communist party elites, and then refuse to be accountable for how they spent out money and created our entire national debt.  They should be put into jail!!!

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: Truman62 on 05 07, 24, 10:13:08:PM
GOP makes drama every day,
because Biden does NOT.

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: wvit1001 on 05 07, 24, 10:16:27:PM
   Scripture tells us to rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer.  This year, my prayer for our Nation is that we keep faith that our best days are ahead of us and continue to believe in honesty, decency, dignity, and respect.  May we see each other not as enemies but as fellow human beings, each made in the image of God and each precious in His sight.  May we leave no one behind, give everyone a fair shot, and give hate no safe harbor.  May we remember that nothing is beyond our capacity if we act together.

     JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.,%E2%80%9CNational%20Day%20of%20Prayer.%E2%80%9D

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: gwboolean on 05 07, 24, 10:19:05:PM
MAGA-Commies don't read scripture.  Their bible is the Art of the Deal and their Jesus is Putin's Pussy.  And now Putin's Pussy is being sacrificed for his father (Putin).

I have to figure that God isn't going to like that. (

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: wvit1001 on 05 07, 24, 10:26:07:PM
Remarks by President Biden at the National Prayer Breakfast


My prayer, my hope is we continue to believe our best days are ahead of us — that as a nation we continue to believe in honesty, decency, dignity, and respect.  We see each other not as enemies but as fellow human beings, each made in the image of God, each precious in his sight.

My prayer for all of you — in my church, we’ve taken the 22nd Psalm and turned it into a — a hymn.  And it says, “And he will raise you up on eagle’s wings and bear you on the breath of dawn and make you to shine like the sun.  Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

Title: Re: Biden Clebrates Nation Day Of Prater, NO Mention Of God Or Jesus!!
Post by: D2D on 05 08, 24, 05:25:46:AM
Beijing Biden continues to prove words are cheap in his eyes!

Beijing Biden touts beings made in the image of God as he advocates the extermination of those beings!

Beijing Biden says "Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand" but in his mind God is the government and that hand is about to crush you!

Democrats view the American public as nothing more than slaves working hard to fund Democrats' wasteful spending!