All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Local5th on 05 03, 24, 09:11:41:AM

Title: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: Local5th on 05 03, 24, 09:11:41:AM

It's time to get the Nazis off our campuses before this happen again.

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 03, 24, 09:43:36:AM
Most of those in the photo were murdered during the night of the long knives!

Such people always turn on their own!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: Truman62 on 05 03, 24, 09:44:55:AM

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 03, 24, 09:48:35:AM
Whatever brown shirt!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: warrenpees on 05 03, 24, 11:37:20:AM

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 03, 24, 12:18:07:PM ( (

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 03, 24, 12:33:08:PM
I can’t believe I have to explain what’s happening here, but here goes. Elite students of Ivy League schools have glamorized oppression so much that they have now reached role play status to satisfy their fantasies. Here, the students have appropriated the suffering of Gazans and are cosplaying as living through humanitarian crisis. In their American make-believe story where Ivy League infrastructure sets the scene, the students play Gazans and the school administration plays Israel.

Israel (the school) is blocking their “basic humanitarian aid” in this play, and if they don’t receive it soon, they will “die of thirst and starvation” (appropriating exact experiences of Gazans). They also destroy upper class buildings and claim them as “liberated” while the students repeat chants in zombie-like chorus, playing the roll of “freedom fighters” destroying Israeli infrastructure and claiming them freed. If I’m alive in a world where people don’t see the levels of perversion in this, I give up.

You don’t see this in lower tier schools from kids of lower socio-economic standing because they aren’t plagued with the guilt of privilege that they’re seeking to launder through Middle East role plays of feigned suffering. This is as first world dystopia as it gets.

Meanwhile, these Ivy League students who can have much more than a glass of water and as much food as their stomachs can take are commanding the attention of the media and the entire American audience, while actual Gazans who need humanitarian aid are ignored. I still have to pinch myself that people don’t see this.

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: takncarabizniz on 05 03, 24, 12:46:52:PM
Funny the hatred for white people in these protests, and most of them are undertaken by...yes...white people, LOL LOL LOL

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 03, 24, 01:10:40:PM
Yet, that immutable fact is something they are wholly unable to grasp!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: Dan on 05 03, 24, 01:43:02:PM
Alaskan Denial Yeti Thing says the freedom of association and freedom of speech are the same thing as trespassing, vandalism, and violence.

Wrong, Yeti.  Association is not illegal.  That’s why they don’t get arrested, but violent demonstrators do. (

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 03, 24, 03:07:08:PM
Democrats think they have the right to deny people access to their property and trash that property!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: warrenpees on 05 03, 24, 03:42:18:PM

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: Dan on 05 03, 24, 04:02:50:PM
Neo-Nazi = Hamas and their sycophants.

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 03, 24, 04:33:19:PM
Democrats act like Nazis!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 04, 24, 04:05:24:AM
Two groups of student protestors at the University of Alabama were diametrically opposed: one group pro-Palestine, one group pro-Israel. But there was one single thing the two groups could agree on: “Fuck Joe Biden.”

The opposing groups volleyed “Fuck Joe Biden” chants back and forth at each other during a Wednesday protest at the University of Alabama, a video The Crimson White’s Maven Navarro posted to Twitter shows. (

One side was dressed in hippie garb, waving rainbow and Palestine flags and holding signs that said “CEASEFIRE NOW.”

On the other side, across a chasm of asphalt and separated by caution tape and campus cops were the counter-protestors, wearing camo pants and waving American and Israeli flags. One man was waving a Trump banner.

Joe Biden is finally bringing people together. (

Leftists and Conservatives agree by chanting in unison "Fuck Joe Biden"!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 05, 24, 04:41:18:AM
Democrats are uniting Americans in their disgust with the Democrat party!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 06, 24, 02:55:07:AM
Democrats rule solely to benefit themselves!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 06, 24, 09:27:28:AM
Democrat greed runs a world in need!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 07, 24, 07:22:04:AM
Leftists and Conservatives agree by chanting in unison "Fuck Joe Biden"!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 08, 24, 05:51:23:AM
Democrats are America's greatest enemy!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 09, 24, 07:10:54:AM

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 10, 24, 09:40:51:AM

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: seahooker on 05 10, 24, 10:01:57:AM
The Texans support the Bill of Rights, while it seems like 62 opposes it and thinks Government should ban freedom of assembly.

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 10, 24, 10:21:04:AM
Democrats insist Americans are their property and property doesn't have rights!

Title: Re: Nazis prevent Jewish students from entering
Post by: D2D on 05 11, 24, 09:26:34:AM
Democrats hate all Americans!