All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: dont-blameme on 04 29, 24, 08:00:44:AM

Title: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: dont-blameme on 04 29, 24, 08:00:44:AM
Inflation since jan 20 2021 today
Since January 20, 2021, inflation has been a significant concern globally. According to the data, the monthly inflation rate in the United States has fluctuated over the past three years.

Here are some key points to consider:

As of January 2021, the inflation rate was 1.4%.
By January 2023, the inflation rate had increased to 6.4%.
As of January 2024, the inflation rate has decreased to 3.1%.

The only people that are buying the democrat lie that we are better off are those that vote democrat come hell or high water!

Oh yeah the border wasn't wide open with an open invite of you all come on up come on in like it is now!!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 04 29, 24, 08:03:23:AM
Remember Democrats view America's collapse as a success!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: lakitss on 04 29, 24, 08:50:34:AM
Clearly, to democrats, and this has always been the case, that they believe what they're doing IS progress!

Which is why we never get to where we need to be, and after a democrat term, Americans go back and vote republican!

This will be happening in November as well.

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 04 29, 24, 10:19:09:AM
Democrats are determined to make America progress toward tyranny!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 04 30, 24, 03:55:30:AM
Democrats want everyone to be poor save for the Party's vaunted elite!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 01, 24, 01:27:43:AM
Democrats are proud to make you poorer!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 02, 24, 03:07:55:AM

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 03, 24, 05:41:38:AM
Beijing Biden insists your money is best spent by the government!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 04, 24, 04:09:06:AM
Democrats insist you can always make do with less, but the government can never make do with less than more!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: Dan on 05 04, 24, 05:23:10:AM
There are fewer jobs held by American born citizens now than before COVID.

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 04, 24, 06:46:51:AM
Absolutely, true!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 05, 24, 04:37:02:AM
Democrats won't be happy until the only jobs available are government jobs!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 06, 24, 02:53:05:AM
Democrats seek to cripple the economy to "fight" global warming!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 06, 24, 09:29:15:AM
Democrats are proud to make you poorer!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 07, 24, 07:37:18:AM
Democrats insist you will have nothing and be happy about it or else!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 08, 24, 05:52:31:AM
The Democrat party's vaunted elite will own everything as you toil to support those arrogant asses!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 09, 24, 07:11:43:AM

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 10, 24, 09:41:40:AM

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: gwboolean on 05 10, 24, 09:56:44:AM
We are being told that we were better off 4 years ago when Putin's Pussy was President?


over 1500 dying/day from the Trump Wuhan Virus, the economy was tanked, unemployment was nearly 10%.  Inflation was not as high because there was no economy.


The Trump Wuhan Virus disaster was cleaned up, unemployment is almost non-existent and inflation is almost as high as it was when Biden took office, after beating off Putin's Pussy and the MAGA-Commies trying to overthrow our government to make Putin's Pussy our dictator.

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 10, 24, 10:21:44:AM
As you can see, Democrats have no facts on their side!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: sine-qua-non on 05 10, 24, 10:59:18:AM
Everyone knows that the Trump economy was the best in decades !

Probably the biggest reason but certainly not the only one that Trump is so popular!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: Truman62 on 05 10, 24, 11:24:23:AM

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 10, 24, 11:27:49:AM
When has that happened Truman?

Only under Beijing Biden, Obama, Wilson, and FDR!

Remember Joe Lieberman!

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: Truman62 on 05 10, 24, 11:29:57:AM
[FONT=var(--theme-paragraph__font-family)]If the latest polling ( and on-the-ground reports ( are any guide, Rep. Liz Cheney ( is a major underdog heading into her primary in Wyoming tomorrow.[/FONT]
[FONT=var(--theme-paragraph__font-family)]Cheney not only holds the distinction of being one of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump last year. As the vice chair of the House select committee investigating January 6, she has also consistently been the GOP’s most outspoken critic of the former President, costing Cheney her party leadership position.[/FONT]
[FONT=var(--theme-paragraph__font-family)]To put it mildly, that’s left her in a less than ideal position politically, running against a primary challenger backed by Trump in a state where he won 70% of the vote in the 2020 election.[/FONT]
[FONT=var(--theme-paragraph__font-family)]If Cheney is defeated Tuesday, she would join 11 other members of Congress who lost their primaries in the 2022 cycle due to a variety of factors.[/FONT]

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 10, 24, 11:36:01:AM
What do you think primaries are for?

Title: Re: We are being told we are better off now since biden took office?
Post by: D2D on 05 11, 24, 09:28:27:AM
He hasn't a clue!

Truman thinks primaries are bad but lawfare isn't!