All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: D2D on 04 02, 24, 07:37:33:PM

Title: Beijing Biden's nuclear proliferation policy!
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 24, 07:37:33:PM
The Biden administration’s goal of supporting a Saudi Arabian nuclear program could end with the country weaponizing nuclear capabilities in an arms race against Iran.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan will meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) on Thursday to discuss a deal ( that could normalize relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and include U.S. support for a Saudi nuclear program, according ( to Axios. While the nuclear program would be for civilian purposes — such as for energy production — MBS has warned that Saudi Arabia will abandon the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT ( and create nuclear weapons if Iran ( also obtains them.

Iran and Saudi Arabia have had a troubled ( relationship, only recently restoring (,situations%20in%20Yemen%20and%20Lebanon.) some diplomatic ties, while still harboring distrust for each other. Though he has spoken out against the danger of nuclear war, MBS has warned that Saudi Arabia will develop nuclear weapons if Iran does as well.
“We are concerned with any country getting a nuclear weapon… if any country uses a nuclear weapon, that means they are having a war with the rest of the world,” MBS said during an interview ( with Fox News in September. “If [Iran] gets one, we have to get one.”

What bad can happen from multiple Islamofascist nations having nukes?  (sarcasm)

Yes, Democrats are that stupid and hate filled!

Title: Re: Beijing Biden's nuclear proliferation policy!
Post by: Dan on 04 02, 24, 07:53:22:PM
Well we know he definitely wants Iran to have nukes.

Title: Re: Beijing Biden's nuclear proliferation policy!
Post by: D2D on 04 02, 24, 08:47:00:PM
Better get to building that bomb shelter!

Title: Re: Beijing Biden's nuclear proliferation policy!
Post by: D2D on 04 04, 24, 07:14:54:AM
Stock that shelter well you may be stuck there for a very long time!