All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 12 21, 23, 02:01:50:PM

Title: With Democrats, there are no coincidences
Post by: lakitss on 12 21, 23, 02:01:50:PM


Title: Re: With Democrats, there are no coincidences
Post by: D2D on 12 21, 23, 02:11:30:PM
Democrats cannot tolerate democracy!

Title: Re: With Democrats, there are no coincidences
Post by: lakitss on 12 21, 23, 02:12:45:PM
I submit they cannot tolerate a Representative Republic.

Still trying to determine what this whole democracy thing is....

Title: Re: With Democrats, there are no coincidences
Post by: takncarabizniz on 12 21, 23, 02:14:10:PM
Now if you want to hold someone accountable, there should be just as vigorous investigation and consequences of these actions, right?  Right?  RIGHT?

Title: Re: With Democrats, there are no coincidences
Post by: D2D on 12 23, 23, 02:56:21:PM
Democrats are the anti government accountability party!