All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: Jw2 on 12 19, 23, 07:41:57:PM

Title: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Jw2 on 12 19, 23, 07:41:57:PM

Colorado Supreme Court blocks Trump from appearing on ballot

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: D2D on 12 19, 23, 07:43:53:PM
No links, no facts, Jw2 is all fraud!

Even if true, it will be overruled on appeal!

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 19, 23, 07:49:33:PM
Are you trying to say that now the weaponized DemoncRats courts are denying Americans freedom of choice and are guilty of election interference?

Sure looks like it !

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: seahooker on 12 19, 23, 08:14:22:PM
I didn't know Trump was convicted in court of insurrection.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: stretch351c on 12 19, 23, 08:16:26:PM
It will be tossed by the USSC.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 19, 23, 09:17:54:PM
They did it.  They REALLY did it.  They ruled that saying, “go peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” was participating in an insurrection.  But oddly, they didn’t charge him with participating in an insurrection.  How does that work?

In the name of “democracy,” this radical court destroyed democracy for its citizens.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 19, 23, 09:25:34:PM
Not only will this absurd decision be thrown out, it just may result in Trump winning the state.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Jim on 12 19, 23, 09:36:19:PM

They’re not even trying to hide rigging elections anymore.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 19, 23, 10:07:32:PM
And they accuse Trump of wanting to destroy democracy!  (

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: D2D on 12 19, 23, 10:13:03:PM
Democrats truly fear the American people!

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 19, 23, 10:30:59:PM
Read the ruling for yourself here -

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Jw2 on 12 19, 23, 10:42:30:PM
factual statement/information d2.

try and pay attention.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: D2D on 12 19, 23, 10:57:33:PM
It isn't factual at all!

Given your propensity to lie, you are not to be taken seriously until you link to your source!

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 19, 23, 11:40:42:PM

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 19, 23, 11:54:42:PM

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: chuck_curtis on 12 20, 23, 01:10:15:AM
Are we awake yet???   This is third world tactics.  Even if you hate Trump, this should scare the chit out of you.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 20, 23, 02:44:53:AM
you don't believe our laws should be enforced then chuckydan?

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: takncarabizniz on 12 20, 23, 03:41:29:AM
Yeah, I saw that.

So exactly what does that mean?

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: warrenpees on 12 20, 23, 08:41:22:AM

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Local5th on 12 20, 23, 10:55:31:AM
It will be overturned. But I'm glad they did it because it will only drive his numbers up.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: chuck_curtis on 12 20, 23, 11:03:52:AM
Having entered this deep into the commie abyss, it's too dark to discern whether or not we crossed the event horizon.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: warrenpees on 12 20, 23, 11:29:25:AM

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: sine-qua-non on 12 20, 23, 11:37:35:AM
Stupid DemoncRats are showing the American peoples their true commie colors and the peoples don’t like it one little bit

That’s why the more they act out their 3rd world fascism tactics to destroy the countries freedom and choices Trump keeps getting more and more popular!


Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: D2D on 12 20, 23, 11:55:59:AM
Democrats once again prove their love of boy-men and Tyranny!

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 20, 23, 01:55:21:PM
What happened to due process?  Trump is being punished without a conviction or even a trial.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 20, 23, 01:58:08:PM
Always remember that this lawsuit in Colorado was brought against trump by the GOP.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: D2D on 12 20, 23, 01:59:53:PM
Prove it!

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 20, 23, 02:02:22:PM
this lawsuit in Colorado was brought against trump by the GOP.

So?  What difference does that make?  The democrat judges are the ones who made that idiotic decision.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 20, 23, 02:04:10:PM
no, the jury was what decided the case doodlydan. 

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 20, 23, 02:06:12:PM
Imagine the ramifications.  A Red state court could just decide Kamala Harris is ineligible because she supported the BLM insurrection rioters in Minnesota.  No trial or conviction required.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 20, 23, 02:08:09:PM
no, the jury was what decided the case, Dan

Jesus Christ, vit!  If you’re not even going to learn the details of this case, don’t even bother commenting.  Good Lord!  (

God, try doing some research!!!

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 20, 23, 02:10:19:PM
Harris didn't suppor the BLM rioters dan.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 20, 23, 02:11:50:PM
hahahhahahaa.   goofy old man dan whines his whines without any semblance of honesty or honor.


Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: D2D on 12 20, 23, 02:13:02:PM
CCPWvit admits he lied!

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 20, 23, 07:17:58:PM
Harris didn't suppor the BLM rioters, Dan

Oh?  So she didn’t promote and contribute to the defense fund for those BLM rioters?  I guess the news wrong then. (

Do you still stand by your statement that the Colorado Supreme Court ruling was a jury decision?  Or would you like to take this opportunity to correct your mistake?

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 20, 23, 07:22:03:PM
hahahhahahaa.   Dan whines his whines without any semblance of honesty or honor.

Oh I see.  So I was the one who claimed the 4-3 COSC decision was made by a jury, huh?  Not you?

Between you and me, vit, which one has done their research and is discussing this issue honestly?

I guess you could do your laughing Schtick to avoid answering honestly, like you typically do when you’re cornered by one of your lies.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 20, 23, 07:23:35:PM
CCPWvit admits he lied!

In his own way. (  We know how to interpret his rants.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: D2D on 12 21, 23, 01:00:04:PM
Always remember that this lawsuit in Colorado was brought against trump by the GOP.

CCPWvit caught in another obvious lie!

The board chairs of the group that brought the lawsuit leading to former President Donald Trump's removal from the 2024 Colorado ballot had previously donated large sums to President Biden's campaign and victory fund, filings reviewed by Fox News Digital show.

The Colorado Supreme Court disqualified Trump from the ballot on Tuesday under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution over the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riots.

"We do not reach these conclusions lightly," the court's majority wrote. "We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us. We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach."

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a self-identified "nonpartisan" watchdog group, brought the Colorado lawsuit against Trump on behalf of "six Republican and unaffiliated Colorado voters including former state, federal and local officials," the group wrote on its website in early September.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Jw2 on 12 22, 23, 05:32:09:PM
I truly hope Trump spends a lot of legal effort and money in Colorado.

Trump lost Colorado by 13 percentage points in 2020.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: chuck_curtis on 12 22, 23, 05:46:59:PM
Your such a nice guy.  Merry Christmas!

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Jw2 on 12 22, 23, 08:03:45:PM
The Colorado Supreme Court ruled to disqualify Donald Trump from the 2024 primary ballot. The court ruled on a lawsuit filed in September by 4 Republicans and 2 Independent voters. The plaintiffs want to ensure GOP voters have candidates with the "utmost integrity," a lawyer told Business Insider.

The lawsuit's petitioners include six people: Norma Anderson, Michelle Priola, Claudine Cmarada, Krista Kafer, Kathi Wright, and Christopher Castilian.

All but two of the petitioners are Republican voters, according to the lawsuit. Wright and Castilian are unaffiliated, the lawsuit said.

"Colorado law requires that, in order for a voter to challenge the placement of the candidate in the Republican presidential primary, that they be Republicans or unaffiliated voters," Sherman said in an interview. "So in order to have standing, they had to be Republicans."

But the petitioners aren't random Republican voters blindly plucked out of the Centennial State. Most have played a prominent role in politics or have been outspoken voices for their party.

The lead plaintiff, Anderson, 91, is a former state legislator who served as a Republican in Colorado's House of Representatives and state Senate.

"As Norma likes to say, she has been a Republican for longer than most of her lawyers have been alive," Sherman said.

Kafer is a professor and columnist for The Denver Post who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, according to Sherman. A month before the 2020 election, Kafer wrote a column explaining "why this never-Trumper is voting for Trump."

Priola, who hasn't played a role in state politics, is the wife of Kevin Priola, a current member of the state Senate who joined the Democratic Party in 2022, denouncing the January 6 riot and Republican Party's attempts to undermine the 2020 election results.

"I think for us and them, it was important that these weren't just any old Republicans, but these were people who had really unassailable bonafides in the party," Sherman said.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: Dan on 12 23, 23, 12:53:08:PM
The plaintiffs want to ensure GOP voters have candidates with the "utmost integrity," a lawyer told Business Insider.

Fortunately for democrats they have no such constraints.

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: zsq987 on 12 23, 23, 01:02:36:PM
In America, a person is NOT punished without DUE PROCESS.

President Trump has NOT been charged.

President Trump has NOT been convicted.

President Trump has NOT been given Due Process.

Yet, they are attempting to PUNISH him.

There is NO DOUBT that SCOTUS will reverse that un-American and unfair decision.


Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: zsq987 on 12 23, 23, 02:52:54:PM

Title: Re: Colorado: Trump Can Not Run for President
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 23, 23, 02:54:11:PM
hahahahaha.   is that the whine you were told to whine zoey?   hahahahahhahahaa