All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 12 18, 23, 02:01:52:PM

Title: How to stop crime....
Post by: lakitss on 12 18, 23, 02:01:52:PM

It is up to lawful citizens to refuse to be victims in any way, shape or form.

If a scumbag knows his actions will be met with equal force, hopefully he'll reconsider. If not, he can bleed out wherever he chooses to fuck up.

They have zero remorse or concern for others, so they should receive none in return.

An eye for an eye.

Sick of this shit on the news every fucking day.

Especially now that America is being over run with greedy illegal trash looking to continue their crime sprees with rape and murder of young girls among other anti-social bullshit.

Happy Holidays!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 18, 23, 02:20:19:PM
have you been the victim of a violent crime lacky?

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: lakitss on 12 18, 23, 02:40:50:PM
Actually yes, but what happened is nunya.

Had I been armed at the time I wouldn't have been I guarantee you.

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 18, 23, 02:44:35:PM
Most Americans never experience a violent crime unless they are involved with drugs or people doing drugs.   Alcohol use is the biggest problem in America contributing to violence in the home.

If you stay away from drugs and people doing illegal drugs you're chances of being involved in a violent crime are practically zero.

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: lakitss on 12 18, 23, 03:04:24:PM
Disagree. Domestic violence is often fueled by drinking or drugs yes, yet those victims knew beforehand usually there was an existing problem and more often than not did nothing to prevent violence, instead "hoping" things would improve.

The signs are there, always. Maybe not overt or obvious, but we know inside when shit is a mess. How we deal with it is the preventive measure.

Some are simply victims of senseless crimes of opportunity by human trash. Like the illegal who killed that poor 15 yr old cheerleader the other day for no reason other than her refusal to have sex.

Awareness of your surroundings is crucial, and many out there are gullible fools believing people are basically kind.

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 12 18, 23, 05:04:43:PM
CCPWvit insists if you are a crime victim it is your fault!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 12 19, 23, 02:40:38:PM
Most Americans never experience a violent crime unless they are involved with drugs or people doing drugs.   Alcohol use is the biggest problem in America contributing to violence in the home.

If you stay away from drugs and people doing illegal drugs you're chances of being involved in a violent crime are practically zero.

By CCPWvit's own words crimes committed by criminals using AR-15s are rare and therefore are insignificant!

No need for regulation or bans!

After all, according to CCPWvit, all crime victims are druggies therefore only criminals are crime victims!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 01 13, 24, 08:27:36:AM
Democrats insist all crime victims deserve it!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 01 15, 24, 11:39:31:AM
Man killed in South Chicago shooting!

About 1:20 a.m., a 27-year-old man was walking on the sidewalk in the 8200 block of South South Shore Drive when a vehicle approached and someone inside opened fire, striking him in the chest, Chicago police said.

Remember according to CCPWvit crime victims are all druggies deserving of victimhood!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: dont-blameme on 01 15, 24, 11:58:12:AM
Back several years ago the governor of KY gave a sex offender early release the low life bastard was out just a matter of hours he raped and killed a 65 year old woman! You can be sure wvit and company will try to make it look like she caused it.

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 01 15, 24, 12:41:53:PM
CCPWvit insists crime victims all deserve it for being druggies!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 01 16, 24, 08:37:06:AM
Democrats insist the government has no duty to protect you from crime!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 02 06, 24, 12:16:10:AM
Democrats only want to increase crime!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 02 06, 24, 07:19:11:PM
Democrats insist you have no right to a life without rampant crime!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 02 07, 24, 08:04:03:PM
CHICAGO - An 18-year-old Chicago man has been charged with murder and armed robbery in the death of another man on the city's West Side last year.

The 39-year-old victim was driving with four other people in a car on Dec. 3, 2023, around 5:36 p.m. when gunfire broke out in the 1700 block of North Lotus Avenue, according to police.

Four males ran out of the vehicle, leaving the driver suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. The victim was transported to Loyola Hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later.

A handgun was recovered a few feet away from the vehicle, police said.

Now, two months later, Zayin Kelly has been hit with three felony charges. He's due in court on Thursday.

A rare event in Chicago!

A crime solved!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 02 08, 24, 10:02:07:PM
Chicago, where criminals rule and the police drool!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 02 10, 24, 01:50:51:AM
Man shot while chasing offender who tried to break into his vehicle!

A man was shot while pursuing an offender who was trying to break into his vehicle in East Garfield Park Thursday morning.

At about 4:07 a.m., a 36-year-old man was in the 500 block of North Central Park when he saw an unknown person attempting to break into his vehicle, police said.

At that time, the victim began to chase the offender, who then produced a handgun and shot the victim in the left torso.

Odds are the crime will go unsolved!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 02 16, 24, 05:00:00:AM
Criminal justice reform activists simply want to make things easier for criminals while making normal people’s lives harder. Chicago is a prime example.

Mayor Brandon Johnson is not renewing the city’s contract with SpotShotter, a system that helps police identify the origin of gunshots. As the executive director of United Working Families boasted, “Elections matter. Organizing matters. Today is a new day, where investments in evidence-based, holistic solutions that don’t just respond to violence but prevent it are driving our city’s public safety policy. We know a safer Chicago is on the horizon.”

Cut through the activist gobbledygook, and you begin to understand how they reach that conclusion. “Holistic solutions” mean things that do nothing to track down, arrest, and prosecute criminals but throw money at the community (or, more specifically, at activist organizations) because activists claim crime is just the result of a lack of community investment. They claim that responding to violence is not good enough when their policies indicate they don’t want to respond to violence at all.

A member of the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America gave away the real game. “Every single day, there are about 61 ShotSpotter-initiated police deployments,” Adwoa Agyepong said. “This means that 61 times a day, police come to black and brown communities on high alert, assuming that every single person there is a person who is armed and dangerous.”

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 02 17, 24, 06:00:47:AM
Democrats want the savage society they created in Chicago to spread to the rest of the nation!

Title: Re: How to stop crime....
Post by: D2D on 02 18, 24, 06:42:12:AM
Democrats, what is so wonderful about Chicago's crime rate?