All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: wvit1001 on 12 01, 23, 07:32:44:PM

Title: The state of MAGA discourse in American politics
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 01, 23, 07:32:44:PM

Title: Re: The state of MAGA discourse in American politics
Post by: Truman62 on 12 01, 23, 10:13:54:PM
If the world worked that way, then Trump would have won again.

Thankfully it doesn't.

Title: Re: The state of MAGA discourse in American politics
Post by: Dan on 12 01, 23, 10:52:16:PM

How can you say that when the facts support the side of MAGA? Last night’s MAGA vs. BBB debate was a perfect example.

DeSantis stated his case with facts and evidence.  Newsom stayed his case with lies and personal attacks.

Title: Re: The state of MAGA discourse in American politics
Post by: wvit1001 on 12 01, 23, 10:59:40:PM

Title: Re: The state of MAGA discourse in American politics
Post by: Dan on 12 01, 23, 11:42:02:PM
See?  Just like here.  I present facts and evidence.  Vit presents personal attacks.  (