All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: lakitss on 11 28, 23, 12:22:32:PM

Title: Headed toward....
Post by: lakitss on 11 28, 23, 12:22:32:PM
..our southern border, is several hundred more likely Biden voters.


The America Joe openly said he wants.

Yet, morons will still support him even though we are being invaded daily for the last 3 years.


Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: D2D on 11 28, 23, 04:07:48:PM
Democrats keep importing more violent criminals because we don't have enough!

Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: gwboolean on 11 28, 23, 04:14:12:PM
Don't we have enough?

Yes we do.  But these are the replacements for you MAGA-Vermin. America has decided that we need to improve our gene pool and reduce the number of murders, insurrections, terrorism, etc. (

Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: D2D on 11 28, 23, 04:15:42:PM
Shoo, Nazi fly!

Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: gwboolean on 11 28, 23, 04:19:52:PM
I believe that you are the one who will be leaving soon Defecated Dildo.  Shoo MAGA-Vermin fly!

Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: D2D on 11 28, 23, 04:21:49:PM
Shoo, Nazi fly!

Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: D2D on 11 29, 23, 02:08:59:AM
Democrats keep importing more violent criminals because we don't have enough!

Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: D2D on 11 29, 23, 10:17:24:PM
Democrats insist we need more crime!

Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: D2D on 11 30, 23, 11:44:36:PM
Democrats insist crime is good for society but free speech is not!

Title: Re: Headed toward....
Post by: D2D on 12 01, 23, 01:39:07:PM
Democrats fled the thread as usual!