All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: D2D on 11 27, 23, 10:26:20:PM

Title: $750 million in losses!
Post by: D2D on 11 27, 23, 10:26:20:PM
The Disney Grooming Institute had the worst box office year imaginable in 2023. Couldn’t happen to a nicer den of thieves of children’s innocence.

After losing $106 million on Lightyear (2022) and another $152 million on Strange World (2022) — both of which featured prominent gay plotlines aimed at little kids — the Disney Grooming Syndicate roared into 2023, hoping for a much better year. But…

Thanks to Disney’s cratered reputation and string of terrible movies where good storytelling and relatable characters took a backseat to divisive politics, 2023 was an even bigger disaster.

According to my imperfect but good-faith estimates, only one Disney movie went into the black.

The budgets below are the reported production budget plus my estimate of publicity costs. I added a conservative $75 million estimate for publicity for big movies like Indiana Jones and The Marvels. For smaller movies, I estimated smaller publicity budgets. These estimates are in good faith. Break-even is widely considered to be double the production and publicity budget because theaters take an average of half the global gross.

The “profit/deficit” is the global gross (how much the movie made) divided by two (which removes the theater cut) minus the budget (what the movie costs).

Disney's woke leadership is determined to kill that once-great company!

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: WWV10MHZ on 11 27, 23, 10:44:53:PM
We totally have nothing to do with Disney any more.

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: D2D on 11 27, 23, 10:47:14:PM
If you go by the losses 90% of Americans are anti-woke!

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: D2D on 11 29, 23, 01:59:05:AM
Why is Disney so anti-American?

What is in it for Disney to shit on Americans?

Opening up the Chinese market?

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: Dan on 11 29, 23, 12:43:26:PM
Why is Disney trying to rob children of their innocence? They’ll learn about sexual perversions soon enough.  No need to ruin their childhoods.

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: gwboolean on 11 29, 23, 01:59:10:PM
Clearly Disney made a mistake in even setting up in Florida.  Now that Florida has gone broke fucking with woke, and no longer has any tourism plus a full-blown brain drain, of course Disney will end up going down with them.

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: Dan on 11 29, 23, 03:11:53:PM
You mean Disney, not Florida, has gone broke being fucking woke.

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: Truman62 on 11 29, 23, 06:53:48:PM
And yet GOP movies didn't even survive a week in the movie houses.

Killing gay chickens is NOT something people want to see.

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: Dan on 11 29, 23, 06:57:52:PM
Name 4 GOP movies.

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: wvit1001 on 11 29, 23, 07:08:13:PM
Disney didn't lose any money did they dan?   Actually they just didn't meet there projected profits.   They still made lots of money this past year.

The company reported net income of $264 million, or 14 cents per share, for the fiscal fourth-quarter ended Sept. 30, up from a net income of $162 million, or 9 cents a share, during the year-ago period.

Revenue increased 5% to $21.24 billion, just short of estimates, which called for revenue of $21.33 billion.

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: stretch351c on 11 29, 23, 07:40:53:PM
Their last few movies have been huge flops Comrade.

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: D2D on 11 29, 23, 08:58:28:PM
I wouldn't invest in Disney as it is now managed!

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: Dan on 11 29, 23, 09:28:14:PM
Disney didn't lose any money did they Dan?

Why yes, it did, Vit.  Why do you ask?

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: D2D on 11 29, 23, 09:32:15:PM
Democrats don't like the facts!

Disney is committing woke suicide!

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: D2D on 11 30, 23, 11:41:21:PM
Eventually, Disney will die!

Title: Re: $750 million in losses!
Post by: D2D on 12 01, 23, 01:17:19:PM
Do you remember when Disney celebrated America?