All Boards => Current Events => Topic started by: warrenpees on 11 27, 23, 07:30:54:AM

Title: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: warrenpees on 11 27, 23, 07:30:54:AM
In your own words, in a line or two, what is your issue with Bill Gates?

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: D2D on 11 27, 23, 07:37:51:AM
Do you ever read what people post here?

Run a search for "Bill Gates" and see what people have been posting!

It is easy to do!

Gates uses his money to get the government to increase regulations oppressing the American people!

Gates is anti-freedom!

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: warrenpees on 11 27, 23, 07:44:26:AM
Some examples, please.

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: D2D on 11 27, 23, 07:49:25:AM
I am not going to spoon-feed you!

Be an adult and run a search as I suggested!

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: warrenpees on 11 27, 23, 07:56:57:AM
It is obvious that you are unable to participate.  No extra credit for you.

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: D2D on 11 27, 23, 07:57:26:AM
Bill Gates, however, is pumping the brakes on climate panic.

Speaking at a New York Times event, he observed that heavy-handed policies won’t work: “If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, ‘I like climate but I don’t want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living.’”

As Gates noted, many of these people are in middle-income countries, like China and India, that are the biggest contributors to carbon emissions today and whose emissions (unlike those of the United States) have been growing.

He also rained on the greens’ apocalyptic parade, saying “no temperate country is going to become uninhabitable.”

And he cautioned against untested approaches like massive tree planting: “Are we the science people or are we the idiots? Which one do we want to be?”

Well, the climate policies the political system supports are mostly the ones likely to yield the most graft, and those the corporate world supports are mostly the ones involving massive government subsidies.

But it’s interesting to see Gates softening his tone; it feels as if climate outrage has passed its sell-by date.

Oh, sure, there are still kooks in Europe gluing themselves to roadways and the occasional nut throwing oil on famous works of art, but it’s all started to seem rather forced.

Seems the Government got too close to Gates' fortune for comfort!

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: warrenpees on 11 27, 23, 08:05:07:AM
In your own words, in a line or two, what is your issue with Bill Gates?

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: warrenpees on 11 27, 23, 01:09:56:PM
Is there anyone who can articulate your beef with Bill Gates?

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: zsq987 on 11 27, 23, 03:00:10:PM

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: D2D on 11 27, 23, 09:22:43:PM
Gates like all narcissists insists only he can run your life!

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: warrenpees on 11 28, 23, 04:41:13:AM
What did he do or say to make you believe that?

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: D2D on 11 28, 23, 04:46:28:AM
Speaking at a New York Times event, he observed that heavy-handed policies won’t work: “If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, ‘I like climate but I don’t want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living.’”

As Gates noted, many of these people are in middle-income countries, like China and India, that are the biggest contributors to carbon emissions today and whose emissions (unlike those of the United States) have been growing.

He also rained on the greens’ apocalyptic parade, saying “no temperate country is going to become uninhabitable.”

And he cautioned against untested approaches like massive tree planting: “Are we the science people or are we the idiots? Which one do we want to be?”

Well, the climate policies the political system supports are mostly the ones likely to yield the most graft, and those the corporate world supports are mostly the ones involving massive government subsidies.

But it’s interesting to see Gates softening his tone; it feels as if climate outrage has passed its sell-by date.

Oh, sure, there are still kooks in Europe gluing themselves to roadways and the occasional nut throwing oil on famous works of art, but it’s all started to seem rather forced. (

Seems the Government got too close to Gates' fortune for comfort!

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: Jw2 on 11 28, 23, 05:40:11:AM
d2 fails to grasp that Bill Gates is not a scientist.  So maybe he is an idiot..

The position advanced by Gates means Gates agrees with d2.  So, what's your problem with Gates, then, d2?

Title: Re: Extra credit assignment: Bill Gates
Post by: zsq987 on 12 01, 23, 07:03:53:PM