General Discussion (Anxiety Free Zone) => Daily Life => Topic started by: GreatGrandma on 08 19, 23, 05:52:44:PM

Title: Saturday Morning
Post by: GreatGrandma on 08 19, 23, 05:52:44:PM
The husband & wife team who mow my lawn started early this morning in order to avoid the heat of the day. The lady was mowing into an area near a tree when she spotted movement on the tree trunk about 4 ft off the ground. It was a 6 ft long timber rattler which the husband eradicated with 2 doses of snake shot at close range.  Yes, I know they supposedly don't grow to that length but this is the second one that size known to have invaded my yard. They are usually only about 3 feet long. Six ft or longer diamondbacks were common until about 5 years ago but seemingly the more agressive timber rattlers have taken over their territory. I used to see a few of the beautiful blue black indigo snakes but the last one of those I saw was about 5 years ago and was  8 or 9 ft. Since then I've not seen many gophers (land tortoises) and the indigos lived in the holes the gophers dug. That may be the reason for the population decline of the indigos which used to keep the rattlesnake population in check.

Title: Re: Saturday Morning
Post by: D2D on 08 19, 23, 08:37:55:PM
Watch out for those things!

My state caught the stupid disease and made such critters protected from harm even if they bite you!

Democrats snuck it into a bill with no one noticing!

Title: Re: Saturday Morning
Post by: sunshine on 08 20, 23, 05:13:57:PM
OMG...I would be packing my bags.

Title: Re: Saturday Morning
Post by: takncarabizniz on 08 22, 23, 11:19:56:AM
Yikes !!!